Well, this will be my last post for the year 2006. Starting from tomorrow, i'm on my Annual leave until Jan 2nd, 2007. Wacaa! that means this year, i have the chance to celebrate new year in KL with my family and frens! but mm, have to think that again coz 31st is the Raya Hajj and i think my family is having a qurban.. so may need tonnes of help for the kenduri.. but nvm, all that can be arranged. plus, most of my frens wil be returning to their hometown, so i may end up not going anywhere. maybe hanging out at my aunt's to meet my granny. Owh! forgot to mention, i'm flying to Macau this Sunday and will be spending time in Macau & HK for a week. Finally! a vacation is what i need!
In addition to that, Congratulation to Class of Winter 2006 from Purdue University, IN US. U guys did it! Now, welcome to the real world. heheh : )
To All,
Merry Xmas and happy New Year Guys!!