Thursday, December 18, 2008
MIA huh?
today is thursday and tomorrow is friday. my last working day for the year 2008. next week i'll be kicking off my 2-week break.
as i mention earlier, i'm stil in the lazy mode. i'll compile and update later..
Monday, December 01, 2008
My dad has been a gov servant for 25 years. Yes, the same duration as my age. I was born couple of months after my parents came back home from Porthmouth, England where my dad got his degree from. During that time, there was only a handful of Malaysian scholars overseas and being one, jobs were laid out in front of them before they graduated. So, right after he's back, he landed a job in JKR (Dpmt of Works) and has been there til now.
I can't remember much about moving 6 times, mostly I guess coz I was little when we moved, hence did little part of packing and re-organizing. The 1st place we stayed was in Tmn Permata, KL. We then moved to Subang Jaya, Selangor where my parents bought a house there. At 4, we moved to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan and I went for pre-school there and of course, my sis were born there.
Later on, the whole family moved back to Subang when my dad was stationed to TUDM Subang so lucky for me, I started my fresh Standard 1 there. We stayed in Subang for about 4 years when my dad is relocated again to Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. I was a bit reluctant coz it's almost end of school year for me and I didnt want to just move school but i had to tag along no matter what. I was enrolled to SRSS1 in KT at the end of Year 4. We stayed for a while here although we actually lived in 2 different houses during that duration.
Next stop was Kota Bharu, Kelantan. At this time, I was in Form 2 and I opted for the school's dorm since my parents said it's better for me to just stay. I finished my Form 3 here and later changed school to MJSC Taiping (my family were in Kelantan all the while). After I'm done with my SPM, we moved to the location where we currently are - Putrajaya. So far, we've been here for 8 years. Yup, we're among the first settlers in Putrajaya when the town were opened. I think my dad will probably stay here until his retirement. He still has 5 years to go. Of course, Putrajaya is the place where my mum loves to stay the most (the most dreadful was Kelantan). So she wont mind sticking here as long as it permits. But I know in the end, we would all move back to Subang.. not sure when..
Among all the places I've been, Terengganu is the best. I dont really know why, but it has got to be the place with abundant precious memories I have. I picked up the language and I got tonnnesss of friends. Ask me about going anywhere in Kuala Terengganu, I can show u the way. Even Terengganu-nians thought I'm local when I talked to them! LOL!
Anyway, I will definitely miss Terengganu and of course Malaysia when I'm away for the next 2 years..
Friday, November 28, 2008
Berikanlah jawapan
Tidak mungkin kulupa
Mengapa terjadi perpisahan ini
Kalau memang tiada jodoh
Malu ... semalu malunya
Berikanlah jawapan
Bad & Good
I've been sick for the past week. It's a bit weird coz i normally be sick for a day or two without the need of any medication. So after getting cough & cold and evening fever, i went to see the doctor. U see, I'm a bit lazy to go to the doc so i went to the pharmacy to buy the medicine instead. So, I ended up getting scolded by the nice Dr. Tee (@ Ng Polyclinic) and received 5 types of medication.. huhuu. Oh yeah, my temperature at that time was 38.8 degree-Celcius (mind that normal body temperature is 37 degree).. nice..
Next, I'm carless for a week now.. dunno when i'll get my car back. To make the story short, I banged into other people's car and i'm getting my insurance to pay both of the cars *sigh*. Gone my NCB so I will need to pay RM2000 for my insurance renewal next year..
One happy thing happened earlier is that I got my English req waived by UNSW and I already got the unconditional offer letter! yezza! Now left to send my resign. letter, get my med check up and submit to MARA to get the sponsorship letter. Quite jealous wth my sis since she already got her Oz PR! She's officially an Oz Oi! Oi! Oi! I'm determined to get mine after I finished my 2-year Masters there!! Cha-yok!
Holiday season is nearing and I've got sooooo many things planned.. hehee.. Coming up soon --> trip to Taiping (this week), Kelantan (Dec), Singapore (Dec) and Indonesia (Dec)!! Then off to Oz in Feb!!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
What have i done..
Friday, October 10, 2008
back from MIA.. hehee

Friday, September 26, 2008
Eid 1429H

p/s: Updates.. I'm pretty much fixed on going to UNSW for my Masters.. now is time to persuade my sis to take MCommerce instead of MBusiness.. so she would go to UNSW or USydney instead with me.. hehee
Next blog update is after Eid..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
School & Work
As most of people know, I'll be pursuing my Masters next year in Oz. I've applied for entrance to multiple Uni - RMIT, MelbourneU and Uni of New South Wales (UNSW). I will submit my app for Aust National Uni (ANU) tomorrow. SO far, I got accepted to all 3 Uni I applied except for UNSW which I have to take IELTS to convert the offer letter to Unconditional. Now, 1 things that's been playing in my mind now is WHERE TO GO. Problem rises due to 2 main facts - MelbU only offers Telecomm Eng for Masters by COursework while all other 3 offer me u-electronics which I opt for; and of course, Uni preference conflict with my sis who's taking MBA.
Some people might ask, what's the prob rite? Just choose what i want. But what i want is not that simple. U see, I like Melbourne and I'm in love-hate (more to hate, i guess) r'ship with Sydney and dont really mind of Canberra. Of course, I would enjoy it more if my sis were there. Then, comes to my sis. The rank of our Uni clashes. Best Eng Uni (MelbU) doesnt offer MBA for students w/o business b'gnd, but she has the opt to go to RMT. 2nd in rank for Eng is UNSW, followed by ANU. And guess what, the best in rank for Business is ANU. I'm not sure if UNSW offers her. So my sis is 'quite firm' with her choice of either RMIT or ANU (higher preference is ANU). But ANU is on the lowest rank of my Uni!!!! Argghhh!!
Next update in line is the fact that I might need to go back to Putrajaya late then expected for Raya break due to work urgency. Might be bck on Sunday instead of Friday.. unless i can finish things up this w'end and next week.. Man.. talk about my lack of motivation to work nowdays.. huhuuu
Those are pretty much it for now. I shall go to IDP and have some chat on the decisions i should make for my Uni tomorrow. After that, off to work. Now i need to get some sleep.. zZzzZzzzz...
Thursday, September 04, 2008
1st Impression.. of Intel. Back in 2006
dress code - my 1st day in intel - July 17th, '06. The 1st person I saw back then was my hiring manager, CH Kok. He looked sporting and nice but the thing I realized the most was his attire. He was wearing a windbreaker, a collared-T, light blue jeans and sneakers! I felt seriously overdressed with my shirt, tailored pants and handbag. huhuu. But i quickly embraced this casual dress code here on my 2nd day and it's fun. I dont need to think of what to wear and what to buy. Simply b'coz i can recycle my college wardrobe (not that i brought back a lot from the States!) and there is no need to spend gizzilion of $$ to buy new work stuff. Some people stil cant believe that an engineer wears T, jeans and sneakers to work LOL!
parking - Since i met him outside of intel campus, i have to drive to KM2. Unfortunately for me, it's past 9am and i hv to park at 'the end of the world'. Gosh! there is a designated parking for new hires?? Of course there was none, but i vowed not to come late to office to avoid having to walk long distance to the office. Now i roughly arrived at the office arnd 7.40am to get the best spot! hehee. Frm observation, I feel grateful that our carpark is directly in front of the building entrance. I saw a lot of factories have carparks away and behind the buildings..
Cubicle - simply known as 'cube'. It's designed to be shared by 4 people. roughly about 12x12 but i'm sooo lucky that i have the whole space on my own! The not-good-thing is that it's next to the main walkway of the floor. Everybody can see what u were doing. LOL! White countertop with blue-light green stripe wall.. pretty dull for me.. Of course, my wall 'deco' was up at no time. Now i'm in single cube at KM3 and i can put anything i want here.. No one really bothers. Humans walking arnd here are people with cubicle the same row as me.
Acronyms - Wow! GPTW, BKM, APAC, TDE, TMG, ATTD. I wondered how the heck am i going to remember all of these. Thnx a lot to my x-buddy to introduce me to Intel Acronyms Library (now we use Intelpedia) to 'get to know' those extensively used acronyms.. especially in the meeting.. My 1st staff meeting, i ended up copying down all those terms in confusion..
Old vs new gen - I still think the most happening team i had was my 1st team - MCPD (Modular Comm Pltfm Div). Not much difference btwn the so-called old people and new people. Both are young at heart ; )
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
multiple ehh??
I havent contacted any of my intern people for more than a year. Last contact was when one of them SMS me for Raya open house last year but i neither replied or went. but on my way back last Monday night, i suddenly remembered them and sent Ramadhan greeting SMS to 2 of them, my senior engineer (SE) and my supervisor (SV). i didnt expect my SV to reply or anything coz i know he normally switched off his work phone out of office time. my SE did response and i was really shocked to see that he still remember that i am working in Kedah! well, he didnt texted me back again coz I only texted him later after i've arrived in Ipoh (an hour later) and i guessed he went for Tarawikh already.
So yesterday, suddenly my SV called!! he said, he was picking up Shah Alam (a sub-con which I knew during my intern) to do some house work on Monday evening and he asked him whether he remembered me and he said Yes! Oddly, he was reminded of me. hehee. Coincidently later, I texted him the same night but he was on his way to the mosque already. Hence the phone call yesterday. hahaha! Pity him, he's pretty stressful with his current project.. Aihh.. i'm pretty stressful myself with current events happening around me..
A phone call from my intern supervisor made me re-think what i wanna do for my Masters.. do I want to proceed with Electronics or switch totally to Power.. i know if i switch to power, i wont regret it but i'm afraid that i'll find difficulties when i want to search for jobs later. i have a Masters but i dont hv any related experience.. it'll be like starting from square 1 back. If i stay in current field, it might be a bit ease but I know somewhere along the line, the regression will appear.. i've always wanna go into construction and consulting.. so now how???
Avril The Best Damn Asia Tour 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
updates for the week..
2- Avril's concert was so-so. I dont feel any "Wow" factor there. Maybe due to the fact that i'm sitting far away from the stage (not in front of it which cost RM300+). Will post up pics later.
3- my car suddenly died yesterday at my aunt's place when i was getting ready to drive back to Kulim. not sure why i didnt think of jump-starting the car on my own. i actually waited for my dad to come.. hmmm
4- Days of X sulking = 3 days.. [Updates = He's not sulking anymore, I think.. called him last night and it woke him up from sleep. He talked as usual..].
and i wonder..
Somebody told me that I've been forgotten. Btul2 reminds me of old Malay saying, "Habis madu, sepah dibuang". Of course it hurts but i cant change the fact that that person, X, has left the biggest ever mark in my life. And by doing so, erasing that person out of my mind requires extreme measurements which i dont think i am capable of. For now, i cant talk to X since X is shutting everybody off (mood swings laa) even the parents and surrounding friends. Actually, i could give X a call, but i just dont dare to. Kang kene sembur tak pasal2.. I felt guilty coz I was the last person to speak with X on Saturday before the sudden mood swing. Makes me wonder whether I am the reason behind.
Then again, I am shocked why I am giving too much thought on this.. maybe i'm holding too much on X.. i need to release my own grasp.. Please someone rescue me..
Friday, August 29, 2008
i need a rest
Actually, a lot of stuff has been racing in my mind lately. My Uni applications.. my decision on my course.. my aching body due to the teambuilding yesterday.. my soon-resignation(?).. money.. my so-mundane life..
I feel so tired now I swear I could sleep for the whole day. I think I need it. I havent rest since my Redang trip last 2 weeks.. Everyday since were full of avtivities and the most I slept I get since I's back in Kulim was ~5 hours.. even the toally-unconscious 14-hour sleep after BTN was not enough to cover back. Ehh? terasa cm sleep addicted plak. LOL! Hence, my plan for the w'end is to SLEEP.
I hv to drive back again later this evening.. Well, at least I got Avril's concert to look forward to today. Hope I'll enjoy it :D
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Redang.. part 2
This is how the new village looks like. This is the 3rd movement of the village. Right now it's in the middle of the island. Originally it was called as 'Water Village' due to the placement above water at the Jetty.
Man & Me.. haa this is "adik Redang" for those who wanna know..
Ela, Mat & Me = interestingly we r 19, 33 and 25 by age.. believe it??
My 2nd 'home' there.. their boat
Fishes everywhere..
According to him, "scared of me drowning".. duhhh! Ckp jek la nk msk gambo.. kn senang.
View from Teluk Pandan.. I could just sit there and be lost for hours.. All the stresses are gone..
From first glance, u cant see the village from the Jetty. It's located about 3km from the beach. It's the midpoint between the Jetty and Berjaya Resort. I couldnt believe that there are actually cars, lorries on the island; even a road!.. hehee soo skeptical but of course, now i believe it since i've ride all meants of transportation there from motorbikes to lorries.
Maybe this is my ultimate place to relax in M'sia. I will definitely come again. Even now there are no more time, my target is to get diving licence in Oz next year so that all of us would be able to go diving (all 3 of them has diving licence) in my next trip :D
yoshh chayokk!
Going to miss this place, hope to c u guys again!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
i'm backk!!!!
Since i came straight to work from Putrajaya this morning, i'll post more updates and photos tomorrow (provided Olympus camera cable = Sony camera cable).. if not, hv to wait until next week..
'nuff said..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
beach hopping.. boatrides.. snorkelling.. photos.. food.. more snorkelling..
hmm i wonder if i can get along with Man's family well since i'll be staying at his house.. cuak jugak..
i hope it'll be fun even with this 1-who's-not-supposed-to-be-there around..
Monday, August 11, 2008
This is why i hate contacting 'S'. Once it started, 'S' will cll or text all the time. Don't u understand that some people has work to do?? Don't u get it if i don't reply ur text, that means I AM BUSY? And pleaseee, don't start asking if u've done sth wrong everytime i didn't texted u back. Then, u will try to make me feel guilty by not doing do.
Come on! Common sense laa.. sighhh...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
i know this is way out of my control but Aargghh!! because of this unexpected camp.. i have to re-arrange my Redang trip into my verrrryyyy tight schedule.. dh la Redang itself has it's own monsun schedule. 7-day trip is now a 4-day trip. huwaaa!! why la MARA has to organized the BTN camp sooo early???
kechewaaa :(
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
gladness and hapiness =)
Ade ke smlm dok cite betapa ganasnyer cara dier tido, which reminds me of my cousin yg slalu pagi2 jek end up her feet on my face or my tummy if i slept with her. adoi memcm btul lah! But i cant really imagine how an adult would sleep like that. hurmmm..
Anyway, can't wait for another 16 days to Redang & another 23 days to Avril's concert!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Problem solved??
In a way i think my so called problem is solved. Looking at the bright sight, all the misunderstanding is cleared. But for some reason, i felt sad that we wont be as close as before..
Whatever it is, i know that i need to keep a distance. Better now than later.
Friday, August 01, 2008
it's not my fault that i didnt realized u texted me
it's not my fault that i can't spent 2-hr-lunch today even it's Friday
it's not my fault that i'm super busy, i don't even went out for lunch
it's not my fault that i'm in my 'workaholic mode'
so who r u to be mad at me simply coz i dont want to drive u to a Mall?
don't be such a bi-atch.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I dont mind him calling 6am in the morning.
I dont mind him calling me in the middle of the meeting.
I dont mind him calling me in the middle of my hectic work.
We know not to bother each other during work time,
but seems like neither of us mind when we sometimes do.
For some reason,
He always called or texted whenever I was thinking of him.
He even said the same thing with me.
Chemistry? Coincidence?
This is not supposed to happen.. Erk.. Help?!?!
Falkirk Wheel, Scotland
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
people & life
Monday, July 28, 2008
hol! hol!
My boss has approved my leave for next month! ahaha byk giler amik cuti ok! So Redang! here i come again! but this time i bet it'll be a totally new experience since i'll be staying in a homestay.. spt kater Man, "Nanti rajing-rajing ahh masuk dapur sket." Cisss i kinda expected that already. Kene la 'bersopan' nk dok umah org nih. LOL!
I will be returning back on Wednesday, then the same week on Friday will be off to Avril's concert! yeezzaa!! Seronok dh pk nk poye2 but keje melambak tak siap2 lg.. sheeshh!
Focus! Focus!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Fir Tree
Fir tree (Mysterious) -- extraordinary taste, handles stress well, loves anything beautiful, stubborn, tends to care for those close to them, hard to trust others, yet a social butterfly, likes idleness and laziness after long demanding hours at work, rather modest, talented, unselfish, many friends, very reliable. Extremely intelligent. Loves life.
hmm i would say 90% true for me..
flying in my mind
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Picture of Us
Monday, July 21, 2008
Redang.. part 1

Friday, July 04, 2008
Toastmaster anyone??
Embarassed, yet flattered. Today's Toastmaster meeting was very refreshing. After hearing the sharing by Distinguished ToastMaster (DTM) Rajagopal, my mind is enlighten on how I can deliver a powerful and effective speech. He is a brilliant speaker who uses a lot of body language and vocal variety. Everybody was laughing all through his speech.
Now, what has this related to "embarrassed, yet flattered? At the starting of his speech, Mr Raja told us that he didnt want us to take notes. He wanted to see our faces during the speech. So he was talking about how important English is, and there have been people who's academically achieved 18A1 in SPM but couldnt speak English at all. This remark left me thinking, how the heck can this person passed her oral exam?
So i wrote down the question to Jessie who was sitting next to me since I dont want Mr Raja to see me talking. But then Jessie asked me sth. Naturally i had to talk to her back. When i returned my gaze towards Mr Raja, he addressed a question to me!! Erk?!? I have no idea what he was talking about, let it be what he was asking me!!
"Owh never mind. She didnt hear what i was saying. She was having a private talk with her friend". Arrgghh!!! malu siott!! I lost my glance for a minute, there i was on the spot light. *sigh*
So after that, I decided to fully focused to him.
I have a habit, of playing with the pen and jotting things down while listening to a talk. Since Mr Raja already told us not to take any notes, I decide to write down indiscreetly, not to make it obvious. Or maybe, just write without looking down. But argh! He noticed it!
"Now u dont need to write down anything. I have everything printed out for u. it's a 6-page powerpoint slides I will give u after my speech.", he said WHILE LOOKING AT ME! Kantoi lagikk!! Why does he kept looking at me?? I do noticed that I'm like this permanent point he looked at while delivering his speech. Determined not be embarrassed again, i put down my pen and laid back to the chair. Hah! No more aiming at me!
At the end of the meeting, I waited for everybody to go back to get some extra notes from Mr Raja. He was talking to Jessie about her speech before talking to me. So i was talking and talking to him but as Jessie was about to leave, she suddenly asked him another question.
Mr Raja then commented about someone, " She got the best facial expression around the room. I liked watching her, such a friendly face". Of course, i looked at Jessie (coz Jessie asked sth and supposedly he was answering her) and smiled to her. Surprised, Jessie ask me, "who?" and i said, "You". "I'm talking about u", Mr Raja said. I was really shocked since he was referring to me all the while. Here I was, reluctant to talk to him due to the earlier incidents, and i cant forget when a senior once told me that i was too serious while listening to her talk.
Now i know why he kept looking at me most of the time during his speech! Owh I'm flattered and stil in a good mood up to now! hehee =)
At the end of the day, a lot of good things happened since i joined Toastmaster. I learnt a lot of the Dos and Donts of public speaking and i will definitely continue to be a member even after i left Intel. After all, the best investment is investment in yourself. I aim to conquer my public speaking fear! yezza!!
p/s: It's funny how i never heard of Toastmaster while i was in the States..
Holla me to request any info..
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
fish, anyone?
Heading back to Kuantan for our annual family gathering on my father's side.. well we held it normally during Eid but this year is exception since all of us are attending abg Ika's wedding in Kuantan. So this will be our 1st time gathering with complete 5 family members after 6 years! whoa! This will also be the 1st time for the others to meet my sis back after 4 years. heheee.
then comes next week. after working for 2 days, off to Terengganu or specifically Redang!! yezzaaa!! seronok!! cant wait for the sea and sunshine!
so wait for next week for the updates!
Monday, June 23, 2008
My mind is in the state of confusion now.. After i got the scholarship, i dont really know what i want to study. i want to take something to do with consulting, which then relates to me to take Power.. i know i cant take anything regarding to civil or structure (due to scholarshp rules)..
As i look into MelbU catalog, i cant find any relevant course to Power. If i really want to take Electrical or Electronics there, i have to take up Reseach. Talk about choices. other choices are Project Mgmt which at first glance doesnt really look technical to me, more to managerial type. Well, last resort is to revert back to Telecomm..
Of course, there is also UNSW. which definitely have the courses i want to take. they have circuit design, telecomm and even sth related to Power.. bt the question is, do i want to stay in Sydney??
Ultimatey, do i even qualify for entrance in these Go8 Uni?? What does UNSW means with 65% of average mark on final 2 yrs of degree and how come MelbU need 2 years of related documented experienced for some of their majors?? aihhh my spirit of studying is getting lower when i think of this..
I am troubled...
p/s: above pic was the 1st Raya i had back in old Purdue times in 2002..
Thursday, June 12, 2008
i- biggest news of all, i got the MARA SPC loan/scholarship. So now left me to take IELTS and off to Oz next year!
ii- finally met Nazri face-to-face. altho it was short, it's nice to finally meet him and catch up all those 13 years..
iii- 1st time i admit to myself that i could see myself swaying while driving due to sleepiness and tiredness. i actually stopped and slept at R&R Bukit Merah for awhile.
iv- i got two shocking (?) news that someone is attached and another person is engaged. well, shouldnt be so shocked anyway. that is the norm nowadays. to other people at least.
v- i was thinking of the real reason for me to go for Masters.. is it for knowledge or for me to run from reality?? eqin, shida and anne are preggie; anis & payed and sepul got married last week; julia & jemang are getting engaged in the next couple of weeks and bash & badik are getting married next month. all i can do is watch for afar.. sometimes i felt just like shutting myself out from attending anything related to 'relationship' event but i dont want to be labeled as 'rude'.. so, can it be for both? i am sick of the questions and feelings.. oh my! -ve feelings.. not good.. not good..
vi- i am extremely busy this coming weeks. i got 2 projects back to back.. hope i can make it in time..
and that, is all i have for now. interesting? it's all up to u to decide.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
One.. I lost my E90 Communicator on the bus trip back to KL. *uck whoever took it. Due to that, I got my latest gadget. Sony E K530i.. pretty much back to basic.. bleh la.. i like the metal-rusty color it has..
Nice music and awesome laser show is what I got!