My mind is in the state of confusion now.. After i got the scholarship, i dont really know what i want to study. i want to take something to do with consulting, which then relates to me to take Power.. i know i cant take anything regarding to civil or structure (due to scholarshp rules)..
As i look into MelbU catalog, i cant find any relevant course to Power. If i really want to take Electrical or Electronics there, i have to take up Reseach. Talk about choices. other choices are Project Mgmt which at first glance doesnt really look technical to me, more to managerial type. Well, last resort is to revert back to Telecomm..
Of course, there is also UNSW. which definitely have the courses i want to take. they have circuit design, telecomm and even sth related to Power.. bt the question is, do i want to stay in Sydney??
Ultimatey, do i even qualify for entrance in these Go8 Uni?? What does UNSW means with 65% of average mark on final 2 yrs of degree and how come MelbU need 2 years of related documented experienced for some of their majors?? aihhh my spirit of studying is getting lower when i think of this..
I am troubled...
p/s: above pic was the 1st Raya i had back in old Purdue times in 2002..
Thursday, June 12, 2008
'work-life' gets too busy nowadays.. i only realized my blog is on silence strike for almost a month! ahh worst, i am writing in the dark with no glasses on and i was thinking of updating it.. thus, i am making this as short as possible..
i- biggest news of all, i got the MARA SPC loan/scholarship. So now left me to take IELTS and off to Oz next year!
ii- finally met Nazri face-to-face. altho it was short, it's nice to finally meet him and catch up all those 13 years..
iii- 1st time i admit to myself that i could see myself swaying while driving due to sleepiness and tiredness. i actually stopped and slept at R&R Bukit Merah for awhile.
iv- i got two shocking (?) news that someone is attached and another person is engaged. well, shouldnt be so shocked anyway. that is the norm nowadays. to other people at least.
v- i was thinking of the real reason for me to go for Masters.. is it for knowledge or for me to run from reality?? eqin, shida and anne are preggie; anis & payed and sepul got married last week; julia & jemang are getting engaged in the next couple of weeks and bash & badik are getting married next month. all i can do is watch for afar.. sometimes i felt just like shutting myself out from attending anything related to 'relationship' event but i dont want to be labeled as 'rude'.. so, can it be for both? i am sick of the questions and feelings.. oh my! -ve feelings.. not good.. not good..
vi- i am extremely busy this coming weeks. i got 2 projects back to back.. hope i can make it in time..
and that, is all i have for now. interesting? it's all up to u to decide.