So I'm back after long break of Raya. Didnt hv a lot of chance to update the blog since I've a lot of work-catching up to do..
Ramadhan has ended and we're now in the month of Syawal. I went back to Johore for Raya (as usual) and as expected, there are a lot of new faces.. this year I got upclose to 2 little toddlers (1 actually, another 1 cant walk yet).. got a pic with one of them.. LOL cm mak budak!
This is Mohd Iz Aiman.. comei giler!
During Ramadhan, I got the chance to go to Nisa's house in Ipoh. One of the night, the whole area was in blackout. So we had to resort to our 'romantic' candle-light dinner.. On the menu was homemade Chicken Rice and plenty of kuih :)
My! I wasted, Ok maybe invested is more suitable, a lot of money! See..
Before Raya = I bought 2 pairs of shoes and get a haircut which ended up lousy (at least i got the shoes to make me happy!)
After Raya, I got myself another pair of shoe (hehe!) and colored my hair! These 2 pics were after I went for dinner with a bunch of frens.. not so obvious ehh?? 

Now this is the real pic at the salon.. My hair is R.e.D (gosh.. how on earth am i going back to Putrajaya after this??)
Red.. red.. red...