Monday, August 31, 2009
too old~
terasa cm org tua pulak.. satu badan rase sakit-sakit..... ni baru 20+, blom 40+ lg. wlpn badan sakit, tp... mcm sugar-high je aku ni.. mkn kurma byk2 (cthnyer 15biji) leh sugar-high ker? ceehhhhhh!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
f.o.o.d!!!! a lot!
i went to (Malaysia) Hall today for iftar. well, 1st time going to iftar outside of home. and i ate way to much. had porridge, dates and tea first before praying. then, it's time for the main meal. there were choices of fried mihun, noodles or rice, apart from pandan jelly. mine was fried noodles. the portion was huge, i could only eat 1/3 of it. after tarawikh, there were Moreh. this time abg Sam (the sponsor of the day) prepared cucur udang (batter with prawn) and chili, kek pisang goreng (1st time eating this but it's yummy) and something like bengkang. gosh, i ate more during Moreh than breaking the fast. too many oily stuff liyana!! and now my tummy hurts.......
well, we tapau a lot of porridge and the jelly for sahur and breaking fast tomorrow (not that i'll eat).
aihh i wonder when i could settle all the monetary stuff so that i could budget to buy stuffs for popia (spring roll) before i move to Hall.......
well, we tapau a lot of porridge and the jelly for sahur and breaking fast tomorrow (not that i'll eat).
aihh i wonder when i could settle all the monetary stuff so that i could budget to buy stuffs for popia (spring roll) before i move to Hall.......
what's with Incredible Hulk???
Saturday, August 29, 2009
soklan2 yg sengal..
Hari ini anda....duduk dpn laptop ngadap drama korea.. tp ari sy baru bermula slamer 4 jam lebey wlpn skrg pukul 6.41pm hahaha.
Kaki anda.....dibaluti 2 psg stokin sbb trase sejukkk sgt. Iye la, name pn winter kn?
Komputer riba anda...dh burok dh tp stil bley berbakti. Tp br gune 30 min dier dh hot dh.. apadaa..
Kepala anda... kpale sy.. nape dgn kpale sy??
Kasut anda... kaler dier itam.. spt mane kebykan kasut2 sy yg len.
Band kesukaan anda....susah nk ckp ni, mane yg best layan...
Kereta anda...kaler itam lg, sy rindu kete sy. Jauh di perantauan sane hehehe!
Hidup anda... saat ni xde ah best sgt.. tp syukur la sbb idup lg..
Kerja anda... ngadap laptop ni ble dh sangap, cthnyer skrg ni.
Motor anda... tak wujud sbb sy tak reti bw moto.. org ckp sy terrer pick up blajo, tp bw motor la satu2nyer yg sy mmg xphm2 bile blajo..
Henpon anda... ader je kt tepi ni.. sy suke Sony Ericsson!
Anda ada.... ati dan perasaan. Ye la.. smer manusia pn ader kn?
Baju anda... lebey 70% berwarna itam.
Anda suka.. masak dan makan.
Anda tak suka... nyamuk yg suke ngeeonggg-ngeeonnggg kt telinga.
Anda sedang... menunggu citer Harry Potter stat kol 7.30 kang. Ader lg 45min.
Anda berasa... sangap.
Anda tak berasa... puas ati.
Dua tahun dari sekarang... sy dh abis blajo (insyaAllah) dan balik ke mesia yeayyy!!!
Dua tahun lepas... sy sedang melepak kt umah Kulim. Enjoy nyer life.
Masa kecik-kecik, anda... suke bawak beskal laju2 turun bukit dpn umah yg angle nyer dkt 60-drjah smp slalu hampir kene lggr. Xkene lggr pn, masuk parit tepi jln. Owh beskal BMX-ku yg hebat~
Anda mula.. tau sy takut darah time eksperimen biologi form 5 biler tgk mmbr sy cucuk tgn dier.. huhuuu~
Anda menyesal... pegi Europe aritu sbb skrg idup dikelilingi utang
Anda memang mahukan... idup yg xde masalah dgn bf tercinta, tp mustahil mslah xde..
Anda suka... men air. Ape2 yg kne ngene ngan air.
Anda rasa... duit MEMANG punca segala masalah. Idup zmn batu pn best kalo takat nk beli lauk tu leh trade in ikan ke.. ayam ke.. kambing ke..
Anda rasa, sepatutnya... sy buat assignment skrg ni.
Anda akan.. pindh umah next week. Ucapkn slamat tggal kpd tangga yg suke cium sy dan pili air yg suke short-circuitkn sy. Yezzaa!
Anda... betul2 rase sangap.
Kaki anda.....dibaluti 2 psg stokin sbb trase sejukkk sgt. Iye la, name pn winter kn?
Komputer riba anda...dh burok dh tp stil bley berbakti. Tp br gune 30 min dier dh hot dh.. apadaa..
Kepala anda... kpale sy.. nape dgn kpale sy??
Kasut anda... kaler dier itam.. spt mane kebykan kasut2 sy yg len.
Band kesukaan anda....susah nk ckp ni, mane yg best layan...
Kereta anda...kaler itam lg, sy rindu kete sy. Jauh di perantauan sane hehehe!
Hidup anda... saat ni xde ah best sgt.. tp syukur la sbb idup lg..
Kerja anda... ngadap laptop ni ble dh sangap, cthnyer skrg ni.
Motor anda... tak wujud sbb sy tak reti bw moto.. org ckp sy terrer pick up blajo, tp bw motor la satu2nyer yg sy mmg xphm2 bile blajo..
Henpon anda... ader je kt tepi ni.. sy suke Sony Ericsson!
Anda ada.... ati dan perasaan. Ye la.. smer manusia pn ader kn?
Baju anda... lebey 70% berwarna itam.
Anda suka.. masak dan makan.
Anda tak suka... nyamuk yg suke ngeeonggg-ngeeonnggg kt telinga.
Anda sedang... menunggu citer Harry Potter stat kol 7.30 kang. Ader lg 45min.
Anda berasa... sangap.
Anda tak berasa... puas ati.
Dua tahun dari sekarang... sy dh abis blajo (insyaAllah) dan balik ke mesia yeayyy!!!
Dua tahun lepas... sy sedang melepak kt umah Kulim. Enjoy nyer life.
Masa kecik-kecik, anda... suke bawak beskal laju2 turun bukit dpn umah yg angle nyer dkt 60-drjah smp slalu hampir kene lggr. Xkene lggr pn, masuk parit tepi jln. Owh beskal BMX-ku yg hebat~
Anda mula.. tau sy takut darah time eksperimen biologi form 5 biler tgk mmbr sy cucuk tgn dier.. huhuuu~
Anda menyesal... pegi Europe aritu sbb skrg idup dikelilingi utang
Anda memang mahukan... idup yg xde masalah dgn bf tercinta, tp mustahil mslah xde..
Anda suka... men air. Ape2 yg kne ngene ngan air.
Anda rasa... duit MEMANG punca segala masalah. Idup zmn batu pn best kalo takat nk beli lauk tu leh trade in ikan ke.. ayam ke.. kambing ke..
Anda rasa, sepatutnya... sy buat assignment skrg ni.
Anda akan.. pindh umah next week. Ucapkn slamat tggal kpd tangga yg suke cium sy dan pili air yg suke short-circuitkn sy. Yezzaa!
Anda... betul2 rase sangap.
Suatu Masa - M. Nasir
honestly, this song has been on my mind a lot.. lagu ni direct tp lirik dier has deep meaning.. kalau lah ader org in real life ckp cmni.. cam balik ke zaman Melayu Melaka, tringat citer Puteri Gunung Ledang.. time tu jatuh cinta ngan M. Nasir sbb his scripts were beautifully said.. puitis giler, and it suits him well..
aih.. kalo lah bley blk ke zaman tu (minus all the perang2).. it'd be nice, kn wak?
aih.. kalo lah bley blk ke zaman tu (minus all the perang2).. it'd be nice, kn wak?
Bagaimanakan ku mula
Dan apakah kata-kata
Yang indah untuk diabadikan
Tiap wajah berkisah
Tiap madah bererti
Manakah ilhamku
Cahaya di matamu
Senyum di bibirmu
mengukir seribu tanda pertanyaan
Mungkinkah kau jua dalam kerinduan
Di saat begini aku merindukah
Berhelai-helai surat
Terbiar di depanku
Tak dapat aku utuskan
Ku ramas semua
Dan ku buangkan
Jauh dari pandangan
Lalu aku kesal
Ku kumpul semula
Tak dapat ku nyatakan apa yang ku rasa
Jika engkau tahu di dalam hatiku
Mungkinkah kau sahut jeritan batinku
Dengarkanlah panggilanku
Dengarkanlah lagu untukmu
Angin lalu kau sampaikan
Rasa rindu yang membara
Warna-warna cintaku
Kian pudar bersama
Malam yang gelap gelita
Entahkan kau rasakan
Apa yang aku rasa
Atau kau tak endah
Tapi ku percaya
Semua telah tertulis
Dan niat suciku takkan disiakan
Dan di suatu masa
Di hari yang indah
Dan apakah kata-kata
Yang indah untuk diabadikan
Tiap wajah berkisah
Tiap madah bererti
Manakah ilhamku
Cahaya di matamu
Senyum di bibirmu
mengukir seribu tanda pertanyaan
Mungkinkah kau jua dalam kerinduan
Di saat begini aku merindukah
Berhelai-helai surat
Terbiar di depanku
Tak dapat aku utuskan
Ku ramas semua
Dan ku buangkan
Jauh dari pandangan
Lalu aku kesal
Ku kumpul semula
Tak dapat ku nyatakan apa yang ku rasa
Jika engkau tahu di dalam hatiku
Mungkinkah kau sahut jeritan batinku
Dengarkanlah panggilanku
Dengarkanlah lagu untukmu
Angin lalu kau sampaikan
Rasa rindu yang membara
Warna-warna cintaku
Kian pudar bersama
Malam yang gelap gelita
Entahkan kau rasakan
Apa yang aku rasa
Atau kau tak endah
Tapi ku percaya
Semua telah tertulis
Dan niat suciku takkan disiakan
Dan di suatu masa
Di hari yang indah
Ku hulur tanganku
Lalu kau terima
arini is super-windy. i thought of cycling at the park in front of the house, but after mandi i decided not to.. even the trees are swaying crazily, i dont want to be blown away like a piece of paper.. i hope there won't be smthing like a thunderstorm tonight....
* still looking for smthg to do now (other than assigmnts...) pemalas!
* still looking for smthg to do now (other than assigmnts...) pemalas!
mencari kekuatan dalam kelemahan...
w'ends == sangap
what more can i say?......
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! ape aku nk buat ni.......
what more can i say?......
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! ape aku nk buat ni.......
Thursday, August 27, 2009
hahaha mmg laaa aku sangap. ni post ke-3 within 2 hours! i'm going to bed after this.
ini adalah my pic of main bowling.. obviously i'm not a pro sbb average pin i usually got is around 60-80.. kalo lucky, tetiber leh jd 120+. which is sgt pelik la kn, out of the blue sgt..
anyway, this was in Kuantan Megamall (ea ke wak name mall ni?)
me, ezrul, kecik & shaira went to bowl after we watched a movie. i thought i dont wanna play, but i did for a while while waiting for dear to pick me up... and that my fren, is the last bowling game i played in Malaysia before coming to Sydney......

anyway, this was in Kuantan Megamall (ea ke wak name mall ni?)
me, ezrul, kecik & shaira went to bowl after we watched a movie. i thought i dont wanna play, but i did for a while while waiting for dear to pick me up... and that my fren, is the last bowling game i played in Malaysia before coming to Sydney......
malangnye nasib ku~
minggu ni aku ader 2 kelas je sbb lg 2 kelas cancel.. (bad sbb sangap kt umah, good sbb dpt chat ngan dear! hee~). so ptg td aku pegi my 1st class.. dlm kelas tu, manusia mane laaa bijak sgt pegi bukak smer tingkap kt blkg classroom tu. and bodohnyer laaa aku, pegi bwk jacket yg x setebal maner..
whole class aku menggigil.. dh la sejuk, sakit pinggang, kusi keras. duduk cm biaser salah, duduk besila pn salah. aduiiiii. pulak tu, towards the last 30 mins of class, aku dh blur. ader pulak mamat tnyer smthg kt prof.. prof tu plak dok pk2 cmner nk jwb soklan.. trus kelas tu abis kol 9.15mlm (7.15pm mesia) instead of kol 9. and aku telepas shuttle nk blk. kne tunggu 30min for the next one. bagusnyer smbil tunggu tu kene tiup ngan 'angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa'. huwaaa!!!
ni pulak, aku xleh nk tdo lg.. dh kol 2pg.. esok ader kelas kol 12tgh ari...
whole class aku menggigil.. dh la sejuk, sakit pinggang, kusi keras. duduk cm biaser salah, duduk besila pn salah. aduiiiii. pulak tu, towards the last 30 mins of class, aku dh blur. ader pulak mamat tnyer smthg kt prof.. prof tu plak dok pk2 cmner nk jwb soklan.. trus kelas tu abis kol 9.15mlm (7.15pm mesia) instead of kol 9. and aku telepas shuttle nk blk. kne tunggu 30min for the next one. bagusnyer smbil tunggu tu kene tiup ngan 'angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa'. huwaaa!!!
ni pulak, aku xleh nk tdo lg.. dh kol 2pg.. esok ader kelas kol 12tgh ari...
imagine ure driving, with others (friends or family).. whose choice of music u think should it be. urs or ur passenger??
for me, it's ME (the driver)! sungguh la x aci sbb i'm the one doing all the work driving kn. penat tau. but then, if driving with my naughty-naughty cousins afiq & qila, jgn harap la.. it will ALWAYS be theirs.. regardless of whose car we're in..... *sigh*
second question, ure stil the driver and ur passengers are sleeping. should u turn the music down or not?
me == NO!!! ure driving alone, and u need the music to keep u awake. anyway, the passengers are supposed to teman u driving kn?? so amacm? but it turned out that i always slow down the radio when everyone else is sleeping.... nk sumbat ipod takut bahaya x aware ngan surrouding pulak....
what u say?
for me, it's ME (the driver)! sungguh la x aci sbb i'm the one doing all the work driving kn. penat tau. but then, if driving with my naughty-naughty cousins afiq & qila, jgn harap la.. it will ALWAYS be theirs.. regardless of whose car we're in..... *sigh*
second question, ure stil the driver and ur passengers are sleeping. should u turn the music down or not?
me == NO!!! ure driving alone, and u need the music to keep u awake. anyway, the passengers are supposed to teman u driving kn?? so amacm? but it turned out that i always slow down the radio when everyone else is sleeping.... nk sumbat ipod takut bahaya x aware ngan surrouding pulak....
what u say?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
free or not..
people said i'm weird.. coz i don't like having so much free time.. they said it's good to have a long break for awhile. well, i will agree and not agree upon 2 distinction.
one--> i'm free, but i'm ALONE = totally NOT agree
two--> i'm free, WITH someone i love = agree
since i'm here in Oz (read as alone), i definitely don't want a lot of free time. i'm used to keep myself busy. i miss my working life...
seriously said, being very very busy is crucial to keep my SANITY.
which do u prefer??
one--> i'm free, but i'm ALONE = totally NOT agree
two--> i'm free, WITH someone i love = agree
since i'm here in Oz (read as alone), i definitely don't want a lot of free time. i'm used to keep myself busy. i miss my working life...
seriously said, being very very busy is crucial to keep my SANITY.
which do u prefer??
Saturday, August 22, 2009
what's wrong with people who like to accused others without any evidence?? is it that hard to ask first before simply said all those things? i thought by for somebody that has been around me my whole life, u would know me, but u DON'T. i guess u don't care how painful am i when when u say that? it felt like i've been back-stabbed.
sometimes i wish for smthg that i shouldn't wish for.
certain things have lost their meaning..
sometimes i wish for smthg that i shouldn't wish for.
certain things have lost their meaning..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
people around..
well, it's almost to the end of week 5 (out of 13 weeks) for this semester. i found that this semester, i got to meet a lot of 'interesting' (read as weird) people in..
in one of my classes, there is this one fella who would walk or do anything without 'kisah' to others around.. don't understand what i mean? now read on..
for example, today in the class, he walked up front to the mini stage and adjusted the pc monitor sideways so that he could see what the prof wrote on the board (the pc was in between us and the board).. before that, he just went up front and pulled the projector screen up WHILE THE PROF WAS WRITING ON THE BOARD next to the screen.
last week, he randomly went to the board and start dusting it and yes, while the prof was writing on the board.. oh ya! for some reason he booked the usual spot i sit for me with his book-bag although the classroom was empty....when i reached there, he said "u can sit here"... okay.... but well, he's chatty and quite nice (if u could understand his accent)..
enough with the guy on my right, next is this one guy sitting on my left. whenever the prof said smthg about checking the equation written on the board, he would read parts of the equation and then said, "wait!! oh no, that's correct. never mind." imagine what happened when the prof wrote 15 EQUATIONS in 3 HOURS.......
honestly, i kind of curious to see what they'll do next... gosh, aku diapit org pelik rupenyer... no wonder the world is weird hehehe.....
in one of my classes, there is this one fella who would walk or do anything without 'kisah' to others around.. don't understand what i mean? now read on..
for example, today in the class, he walked up front to the mini stage and adjusted the pc monitor sideways so that he could see what the prof wrote on the board (the pc was in between us and the board).. before that, he just went up front and pulled the projector screen up WHILE THE PROF WAS WRITING ON THE BOARD next to the screen.
last week, he randomly went to the board and start dusting it and yes, while the prof was writing on the board.. oh ya! for some reason he booked the usual spot i sit for me with his book-bag although the classroom was empty....when i reached there, he said "u can sit here"... okay.... but well, he's chatty and quite nice (if u could understand his accent)..
enough with the guy on my right, next is this one guy sitting on my left. whenever the prof said smthg about checking the equation written on the board, he would read parts of the equation and then said, "wait!! oh no, that's correct. never mind." imagine what happened when the prof wrote 15 EQUATIONS in 3 HOURS.......
honestly, i kind of curious to see what they'll do next... gosh, aku diapit org pelik rupenyer... no wonder the world is weird hehehe.....
Monday, August 17, 2009
dlu aku ingat...
Ntah knape ati rase sedey biler pk lg seminggu dh nk msk bulan pose dh. aku ingt lg dlu aku pk aku akan rase the same thing cm pose kt US dlu. dgn kate len, xde la raser sgt. nothing special. tp kali ni, lg aku pk lg sebak jdnyer.
ke sbb for the past 3 yrs aku pose kt Kulim, aku enjoy? aku dpt masak dgn nisa & ein ari2 utk bukak pose. kitorg dpt mkn sdiri hasil tgn memsg, bahkn dpt jamu jiran2 and member2 kitorg skali utk merasa. sbb tu ker?
ke sebab for the past 3 yrs, aku jd semangat nk pose sbb aku kt Mesia? mood surrounding tu ader. teringat kitorg buat rules, pegi bazaar ramadhan tu utk beli air ngan 2 jenis kuih je. pengalaman sbb 1st day pose tu kitorg beli terlampau byk kuih pai tak abis. meriahnyer Ramadhan..
dlu aku pk aku dh ader kt overseas ni, slamat duit aku RM500 tetiap tahun (byk tu!) xyah nk bg sedara2 aku everytime raya. tp aku sedar, aku tak kisah smer tu. sbbnyer aku puas bile aku dpt bg derang walaupn xseberape, dpt bersalaman ngan cium, and puas tgk muke derang sengih bile dpt sampul duit raya..
so, knape pose kali ni aku tetiber rase cm tak best??
ke sbb for the past 3 yrs aku pose kt Kulim, aku enjoy? aku dpt masak dgn nisa & ein ari2 utk bukak pose. kitorg dpt mkn sdiri hasil tgn memsg, bahkn dpt jamu jiran2 and member2 kitorg skali utk merasa. sbb tu ker?
ke sebab for the past 3 yrs, aku jd semangat nk pose sbb aku kt Mesia? mood surrounding tu ader. teringat kitorg buat rules, pegi bazaar ramadhan tu utk beli air ngan 2 jenis kuih je. pengalaman sbb 1st day pose tu kitorg beli terlampau byk kuih pai tak abis. meriahnyer Ramadhan..
dlu aku pk aku dh ader kt overseas ni, slamat duit aku RM500 tetiap tahun (byk tu!) xyah nk bg sedara2 aku everytime raya. tp aku sedar, aku tak kisah smer tu. sbbnyer aku puas bile aku dpt bg derang walaupn xseberape, dpt bersalaman ngan cium, and puas tgk muke derang sengih bile dpt sampul duit raya..
so, knape pose kali ni aku tetiber rase cm tak best??
ikan oh ikan...
balik mesia nanti, nk mkn SUSHI pepuas. bior pai perut kembung, xpeduli. Sydney ni name je tepi laut, tp sgale bender ikan mahal gak. tipu!
wak, blk ni awk kne teman gak. tak kire! mesti!!! kalo tak........
wak, blk ni awk kne teman gak. tak kire! mesti!!! kalo tak........
Sunday, August 16, 2009
will it be, will it not?
well, tomorrow i would know whether 2/3 of my problem will be solved. i seriously hope so. i'm going nuts over these.......
Saturday, August 15, 2009
something about Uni......
i just know that in the w'ends, everything on campus closes at 6pm. including all computer labs in Electrical Eng. (EE) building (u need to swipe ur ID to get into the building) and all the library on campus. so troublesome.. pretty weird though. i think it should close at midnight, regardless the fact that it's not the final exam week. so pathetic. xnk bagi students dtg study lelamer ke?
owh, 1/3 of my prob is fixed.. how the heck i'm going to settle the other 2/3?? hurrmmmm.......
owh, 1/3 of my prob is fixed.. how the heck i'm going to settle the other 2/3?? hurrmmmm.......
around the corner it comes
it's only a week left before Ramadhan. this year will be my 1st yr back celebrating the fasting month overseas. not that it make much of a difference, but being fasting means it's the time to miss all those tasty food i usually ate during 'bukak pose'. especially the abundance of 'kuih' and my fav 'air jagung'. apart from that, there would be no more daily cooking like it used to be.
sorry mat li & the geng, hangpa x bley nk mai mkn free rumah kami lg la naa. nasib hangpa la kalo kempunan soto, nasi ayam, nasi kerabu dan briani kami yg hebat tu hahaha! xdapat kami nk bantu :D
i want popia goreng!
i want apam balik!!
i want bubur cha-cha!!!
sorry mat li & the geng, hangpa x bley nk mai mkn free rumah kami lg la naa. nasib hangpa la kalo kempunan soto, nasi ayam, nasi kerabu dan briani kami yg hebat tu hahaha! xdapat kami nk bantu :D
i want popia goreng!
i want apam balik!!
i want bubur cha-cha!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
memory of naked guy on a bike - priceless
don't get me wrong. for some reason, it's pretty weird i think of this. maybe of the news that some of my frens are in Purdue now for their Masters.
well, who had seen naked guy running around in the exam hall before? raise ur hands!!
i did, 3 times actually. i was in Purdue and all 3 classes were known to be among the stressful ones offered in the semester. If my memory serves me right, it was Economics, Physics and some Engineering class.
i still remember the 1st time it happened. i was in Econs final exam over at Lambert House (indoor track). the school has tables and chairs arranged in the middle of the track. halfway thru the exam, we heard bicycle rang. and boy were we surprised when we saw a naked guy with a ski mask holding Purdue flag cycling around. shocking but pretty funny hehehe. at least it broke the 'stressful and eerie' silence during the exam for awhile.
the other 2 incidents were both in Elliot Hall of Music with 2 guys running at each side of the hall from the rear to the front. of coz i didn't see the front part, just the back hahaha! but the experience made my college life colorful :)
and nope, i haven't seen any of those happened here yet. it means business here.. skema giler!
i think it's time to pull myself up from this mess i'm in right now.. too many things running wildly in my mind that i felt like loosing control.. i wanna get it done asap. the sooner, the better, the faster i'll be relieved. the question is, am i ready?
well, who had seen naked guy running around in the exam hall before? raise ur hands!!
i did, 3 times actually. i was in Purdue and all 3 classes were known to be among the stressful ones offered in the semester. If my memory serves me right, it was Economics, Physics and some Engineering class.
i still remember the 1st time it happened. i was in Econs final exam over at Lambert House (indoor track). the school has tables and chairs arranged in the middle of the track. halfway thru the exam, we heard bicycle rang. and boy were we surprised when we saw a naked guy with a ski mask holding Purdue flag cycling around. shocking but pretty funny hehehe. at least it broke the 'stressful and eerie' silence during the exam for awhile.
the other 2 incidents were both in Elliot Hall of Music with 2 guys running at each side of the hall from the rear to the front. of coz i didn't see the front part, just the back hahaha! but the experience made my college life colorful :)
and nope, i haven't seen any of those happened here yet. it means business here.. skema giler!
"aku bukanlah superman, aku juga bisa nangis"i think it's time to pull myself up from this mess i'm in right now.. too many things running wildly in my mind that i felt like loosing control.. i wanna get it done asap. the sooner, the better, the faster i'll be relieved. the question is, am i ready?
Monday, August 10, 2009
kalo ikut ati, dh lamer dh aku
Note: DEAR, this is NOT for u.
kalo ikut ati, sekarang jugak aku buat bender tu!!! sakitnyer ati. sakitnyer jiwa. sakitnyer raga (kalo raga ade skrg ni, dh lamer kne baling). knape la bodoh sgt aku dlu... boley ke aku nk tahan lelamer cmni?!?!?!?! arrghhhh!!!!!!! serabut!!
kalo ikut ati, sekarang jugak aku buat bender tu!!! sakitnyer ati. sakitnyer jiwa. sakitnyer raga (kalo raga ade skrg ni, dh lamer kne baling). knape la bodoh sgt aku dlu... boley ke aku nk tahan lelamer cmni?!?!?!?! arrghhhh!!!!!!! serabut!!
i just know that..
i've been watching MAJALAH 3.. and it's my 1st time knowing that Malaysia has apple farms...
then there's a slot on Cina Peranakan in Kota Bharu.. which reminds me of my time in KB (not that long there) but what hit me is the language.. haven't heard that dialect for a long time.. and i feel like i haven't talk another similar dialect (T'ganu) for a very long time as well..
ok back to the reason i'm writing.. in the slot, one of the uncle wrote in Jawi.. something which i had forgotten for a long time.. the last time i remember reading something in Jawi was Eid last year in my grandparents house in Pontian. badly enough, i was still able to read the newspaper slowly.
honestly, i doubt that i could write CORRECTLY in Jawi anymore.. and i suddenly remember that i even wrote in Rumi (normal alphabets) during my Religion Studies PMR exam in my Religion School! all because i think writing in Jawi would slow me down.. my God, how guilty i am now to have think that way... sia-sia blajo sek agama liyana....
* So jealous of Dear for being able to talk Bugis. aaa at least he has another language he could speak... when i have kids of my own, they definitely need to learn another language other than malay & english. kejam ke?? hehehe
then there's a slot on Cina Peranakan in Kota Bharu.. which reminds me of my time in KB (not that long there) but what hit me is the language.. haven't heard that dialect for a long time.. and i feel like i haven't talk another similar dialect (T'ganu) for a very long time as well..
ok back to the reason i'm writing.. in the slot, one of the uncle wrote in Jawi.. something which i had forgotten for a long time.. the last time i remember reading something in Jawi was Eid last year in my grandparents house in Pontian. badly enough, i was still able to read the newspaper slowly.
honestly, i doubt that i could write CORRECTLY in Jawi anymore.. and i suddenly remember that i even wrote in Rumi (normal alphabets) during my Religion Studies PMR exam in my Religion School! all because i think writing in Jawi would slow me down.. my God, how guilty i am now to have think that way... sia-sia blajo sek agama liyana....
* So jealous of Dear for being able to talk Bugis. aaa at least he has another language he could speak... when i have kids of my own, they definitely need to learn another language other than malay & english. kejam ke?? hehehe
Sunday, August 09, 2009
soklan pedas kn hanimichi?
* this is long due, dok dlm Draft lame dh..
bile aku bce blog hanimichi dan pk2 blk.. aku ader sebab yg same knape aku suke duduk jauh.. sbbnyer is rmai org suke tnyer aku soklan yg aku sdiri xleh nk jwb.. yg lg buat aku pening ialah bile darah daging sdiri yg suke tnyer..
1- bile nk kawin?
2- lamer dh ni tunggu, biler nk dpt mkn nasi minyak?
3- biler nk dpt abg ni?
4- u punyer turn bile plak (from my mum's fren to her)? mama's answer senang je, "insyaAllah" tp pastu she hints to me la kn, adui.
slalunyer aku respon dgn senyum je. biler kne tnyer lg aku jwb "ntah, blum smp masa lg". bile dh xtahan aku jwb, "ye la ye la.. tgk la nnt2". kalo mood aku ok, aku jwb "akhir tahun kot.. tp tahun nyer xdecide lg".. betapa senang ckp dr buat kn? org lain xfikir ke cmtu? kalo dh smp time, dpt la kad.. kalo xde tu, meaning xde la kn? susah ke nk trime? aku sdiri xde la kalut sgt, drang plak yg lebey-lebey..
bile aku bce blog hanimichi dan pk2 blk.. aku ader sebab yg same knape aku suke duduk jauh.. sbbnyer is rmai org suke tnyer aku soklan yg aku sdiri xleh nk jwb.. yg lg buat aku pening ialah bile darah daging sdiri yg suke tnyer..
1- bile nk kawin?
2- lamer dh ni tunggu, biler nk dpt mkn nasi minyak?
3- biler nk dpt abg ni?
4- u punyer turn bile plak (from my mum's fren to her)? mama's answer senang je, "insyaAllah" tp pastu she hints to me la kn, adui.
slalunyer aku respon dgn senyum je. biler kne tnyer lg aku jwb "ntah, blum smp masa lg". bile dh xtahan aku jwb, "ye la ye la.. tgk la nnt2". kalo mood aku ok, aku jwb "akhir tahun kot.. tp tahun nyer xdecide lg".. betapa senang ckp dr buat kn? org lain xfikir ke cmtu? kalo dh smp time, dpt la kad.. kalo xde tu, meaning xde la kn? susah ke nk trime? aku sdiri xde la kalut sgt, drang plak yg lebey-lebey..
Saturday, August 08, 2009
there are few things that simply is 'no-no' for me..
- never leave ur book open if ure leaving or not reading it, even for a while
- never repeat the same thing over and over and over again, I'll reach my boiling point faster. don't blame me if i ignore u and play dumb on u
that's about what i remember now.. will update if i remember more..
* Dear, take note hahahaha!
- never leave ur book open if ure leaving or not reading it, even for a while
- never repeat the same thing over and over and over again, I'll reach my boiling point faster. don't blame me if i ignore u and play dumb on u
that's about what i remember now.. will update if i remember more..
* Dear, take note hahahaha!
Friday, August 07, 2009
bubye my ring...
now i believe it when he said my fingers 'shrink' when i lost weight. why?? Coz my jade ring i bought from Intel before i left doesn't 'ngam' with me anymore!!!
bought it nicely fit on my middle finger but now it even slide thru my thumb. aihh.. xleh pakai dh.. buat perhiasan je la jwbnyer...
bought it nicely fit on my middle finger but now it even slide thru my thumb. aihh.. xleh pakai dh.. buat perhiasan je la jwbnyer...
I go to the hills, When my heart is lonely..
The hills are alive,
With the sound of music
With songs they have sung
For a thousand years
With the sound of music
With songs they have sung
For a thousand years
these baits sounds familiar, don't they? it's the intro song of my favorite musical ever, "the Sounds of Music". i could watch it over and over again, regardless how old i am. i guess if u like tv and music, u will like the movie as well.
for some reason, i feel at ease hearing all those songs.. my heart is at joy and the world will be in cheer. plus, the scenery in the movie is breath-taking. maybe i should go to Austria..
*i hope his heart is smiling as well at this moment..
the way life is..
it's funny, isn't it? how world goes around. at times ure on top of the world, suddenly u hit the rock bottom. everything goes well but suddenly something hit u. but it's also weird how when ure down, and in the blink of an eye u see a glimpse of hope..
i guess it's just world's way of letting us know that life is real. that it has its' ups and downs.. and it's up to us how we'll face it..
anything can happened, rite?
whatever it is, I'm content now coz i see my rainbow and i know i'm not alone~ :D
i guess it's just world's way of letting us know that life is real. that it has its' ups and downs.. and it's up to us how we'll face it..
anything can happened, rite?
i remember the first time i met him, it seemed that there were only 2 of us in the plane. time flies and it's already time to leave. but here we are now.. love has found its way..whatever it is, I'm content now coz i see my rainbow and i know i'm not alone~ :D
Monday, August 03, 2009
Kan Cheong Kitchen
I'm not that good of a cook, but the bloopers and mayhem I saw is really bad.. if ure not sure what is this show about, it's an action-packed cooking show where the contestants work in a pair. One who knows how to cook will teach the cannot cook by command. here's the twist, even the cooking level is 'nasi goreng'. the results are chaos and hilarious in every episode.
Here u can see un-cooked steak, un-cooked spaghetti and a lot of undercooked stuff. but wait, u can also see contestants use BUTTER KNIFE (pisau butter yg roti tu) or CHOPPER (pisau daging) to cut the onions and pepper!! my God!! i think my younger brother knows which knife to use when cooking....
apart from that, u can also hear the term 'switch off the oil' (vs. switch off the fire) and 'salai the daging' (vs. goreng daging tu), 'gaul ayam' (vs. tebalikkn ayam) or 'jaga your fire'. oh ya! dont forget questions like 'ni ke bawang?' or 'ni ke cendawan?'. good times.. good times.. sakit perut laughing watching those episode... u can watch them at 8tv online.
Here u can see un-cooked steak, un-cooked spaghetti and a lot of undercooked stuff. but wait, u can also see contestants use BUTTER KNIFE (pisau butter yg roti tu) or CHOPPER (pisau daging) to cut the onions and pepper!! my God!! i think my younger brother knows which knife to use when cooking....
apart from that, u can also hear the term 'switch off the oil' (vs. switch off the fire) and 'salai the daging' (vs. goreng daging tu), 'gaul ayam' (vs. tebalikkn ayam) or 'jaga your fire'. oh ya! dont forget questions like 'ni ke bawang?' or 'ni ke cendawan?'. good times.. good times.. sakit perut laughing watching those episode... u can watch them at 8tv online.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
tetiber trase nk mkn Nasi Ambang..... mau mau mau! (cm iklan '3' kt tv Indo). argghhh pandai tul ahh!! time2 cmni laa ko nk mkn erk liyana?? dlu blk johor xmo.... padan muke.
what i feel like doing now..
Babak penantian
Satu ujian
Sekuat mana cinta
Ku tak mungkin
Kalis rindu
Kalis pilu
Bila kau tiada bersamaku
Pendam rindu
Satu ujian
Sekuat mana cinta
Ku tak mungkin
Kalis rindu
Kalis pilu
Bila kau tiada bersamaku
Pendam rindu
Pendam pilu
Hingga kau menjelma…
Hingga kau menjelma…
1- watch citer P. Ramlee "Labu-labi" to ease my aching heart, so that i dont think of him too much..
2- feel like eating cendol.. tp mane nk carik..
3- watch the stars but it's cold outside and watching them reminds me of dear..
4- nk blk Mesia.. tp xleh..
5- just walk.. and walk.. and walk.. and walk.. until i'm no where..
i can't do anything, could i??
* pelik.. pelik.. npe rase cramp kt kaki stil x ilang2 even lepas 2 ari...
worst place ever..

if ure a follower of my blog, u would know that i recently went to Europe for Winter. this photo is from my final leg of the trip. u might wonder where we were. we're in the TRAIN from Brussels to Paris. and yes, we sat in the confined area there. in between coaches, to be exact. rase mcm orang merempat pn ader.
wanna know why? coz our train BROKE DOWN at the station before it even departed, so all of us had to cramp on the next train at 4.30pm and i mean EVERYBODY who's supposed to board the 3.30pm train. worst thing is that we even PAY additionally to get on it. they should get a replacement laa.. stupid train service.
honestly, PARIS is the worst place u should be if u hv high temper and short patience span. their customer service sucks and most of them don't speak english. bad experience....
siapa aku?
Aku rindu
Aku perlu
Hati kamu terukir namaku
Aku perlu
Hati kamu terukir namaku
kadang2 aku terfikir, adakah aku benar2 diri aku? atau sekadar hnya sebuah potret berupe manusia yang aku pampangkn untuk orang sekeliling mngadili siapa diri aku? mgkin dgn cara ini, aku dapat membuat mereka sangka yg aku yakin dlm hidup aku. yg aku boleh membuat segala2nya, dan gagah dlm mghadapi segala yg dtg.. tp hakikatnya, mampukah aku?...
adakah dgn mengenali siapa sebenarnya diri aku, aku menjadi satu bebanan?
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