suddently i am thinking of food.. how i havent had any rice for 3 days already.. it's not bad, i'm used to not having rice everyday while i was in the States.. well food. i'm talking about the main dish - rice, noodles, pastas etc etc etc. in particular, the CURRY MEE. yummmyy!!!
i have always like curry mee. although i only ate them occasionally before my study in US, i now realize that i've practically eat it every week! so far, the best mee curry has been the one from the cafe (Intel Kulim). yeah yeah.. unbelievable. but it's TRUE. for only RM2.50 (-RM1 subsidy from Intel), the curry mee is more than enough. for those who didnt know what curry mee is, it's a noodle dish cooked with the coconut milk and curry ( of course, where the name came from). i ate it with the yellow mee, tofu, green beans, fish cake, fish ball and egg. it doesnt have prawns or chicken or anything (based on ur preferences). but i think it's just nice for me. well, i hvnt got the chance to actually take a picture of it, but the curry me looks almost the same like this. same with size and stuff thrown into it. heheeee
mi kari la dude! manader curry mee! hahahaha
ala.. kang i tulis mee Kari, tak smer org paham.. so aku tulis aa 'curry mee'.. hehehe same jek pon
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