On saturday, me and my h'mates went for a dip in Sedim. I (see the word 'I') cooked fried spaghetti hahaha! basically fried noodle minus the noodle add the spaghetti. We reached there about 11am and we're starving! The river wasnt as cold as before but the current is a bit harsh. So we ate and laze around and ate summore. 3 hours of water dipping. Gosh i can do this everyweek!
Sunday was a PC Fair day. I managed to cleared my mission within an hour - buy blank DVDs & CDs and colling pad. I also subscribe to a year of RDigest and N'tional Geographic for RM250. what a bargain! Now i have to forget my plan to buy books for this months. huhuuu
Next came Monday. a tiring day. My department was having our teambuilding. Lunch at TGIF followed by the treasure hunt. All in all, being a committee member is tiring. I havent walk for almost 6 hours non-stop like this for a long time. luckily i'm wearing a shoe. if heels.. aiyahh! Back at work today, a bomb dropped. A change in mechanical component caused a major change in a design. It's a huge change in layout and requires a lot of time to fix it. Now i need to get everything done by next Tuesday (including the review). Thank God i managed to at least postponed some personal matter from next Monday to next Wednesday instead. Guess what i'm going to do for the w'end? yes! W.O.R.K. Oh~ Of course apart from a nature appreciation walk on Saturday morning that is.
This week is gonna be a h*ll of a week! Then off to S'pore!! yahoooo~~~
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