A treasure hunt was held by PPMS at Centennial Park on Saturday.. Sad to say but the event sucked. Big time. The event was fulled of flaws- Comm emailed was sent w/o the direction of the meeting place (we ended up lost in the park & walking all around the park), so called "techincal difficulties" caused the hunt to start at 12 instead of 11 (it's cold & windy ok. imagine if we really came at 10am like the email requested???), a lot of the clues were flying all over the place coz of the wind (tampal la elok2 sket) & finally, how can u said to us who was in the hunt, "sorry, ayam dh abis tggl sosej jek"??? We freakin' pay for it man!!
OK, paying is not the big deal since it's merely 2 bucks but all these seriously shows how bad the mgmt team was.. M'sians g memaner pn tetap ngn attitude M'sians.. aihhh..
Lily pond
OK, paying is not the big deal since it's merely 2 bucks but all these seriously shows how bad the mgmt team was.. M'sians g memaner pn tetap ngn attitude M'sians.. aihhh..
gazetted develope country lg kn?...20 thun ag ok dh kot....hehe he he
whoooa!! 20 yrs is too long my dear. the people patutnyer develop faster than the whole country considering those people are already in Developed Country kn? hehehe sy cm xpuas plak kn?
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