Wednesday, June 11, 2014

pro·cras·ti·na·tion [proh-kras-tuh-ney-shuhn, pruh‐]

procrastination is my friend. especially on updating this blog.

i've been too busy for the past few months with crossfit, swimming lesson, cardio training where by the time i reach home, it's already 10.30pm daily.

w'ends are purely to laze around but unfortunately i was occupied as well with aerobithon, bootcamps and hiking.

hence, all of my travel write up for South Korea and Chiang Mai/Bangkok have yet to start *sigh*

when i finally can squeeze some time to sort the (Thai) photos, my head went dizzy seeing too many of those hahahaha. so again, i ended up sorting halfway. a

i really wonder when i will finally check on my 2000+ SoKor photos....

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