Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kerana - Erra Fazira

Kerana terlalu mempercayaimu
Kau istimewa dalam hidup ku
Kerna terlalu menghormati
Terkeliru pandangan mata hati
Kerana terlalu mengasihi
Akhirnya terluka aku sendiri

Aku sangkakan mengenalimu
Aku kenali hati budimu
Aku meyakini engkau luhur
Menyayangiku dengan jujur

Kiranya bagimu itu semua
Hanya satu lakonan, lakonan biasa
Tiada sedikit pun aku sedari
Dipersendakan oh selama ini

Aku sangkakan yang ku gila
Permata tulen yang berharga
Penilaian ku oh ternyata silap
Kau rupanya kaca tak berharga
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Trusting you too much
You have become someone special in my life
Respecting you greatly
I was blinded
Loving you too deep
Finally hurt me

I thought I knew you
Understood your heart
I believe you were sincere
Loving me honestly

Maybe to you
This is pretentious
Not that I know of
Being played like a fool

I thought I am insane
That I am the precious jewel belong to someone
How would I know I was wrong
I am just a worthless piece of glass instead..

Friday, November 09, 2018

long gone

i wonder how many people will remember me after i am gone..
nothing well going on now.. i think it might be the right time to dissapear..

Thursday, July 05, 2018

absent minded

i am wondering why i am still here..
it’s obvious that i am unwanted and never has been the priority..
make no difference whether i am here or not.

i should really go despite the fear.


what were once i love to do seems not interesting anymore.
feels like they have become a burden to do.
feels like i have become a burden myself.

Monday, January 29, 2018


Walking aimlessly..
Groping in the dark..
Thinking maybe it's time..
To be gone unnoticed..
To cease to exist..

Thinking maybe the time,
 IS now..