Saturday, July 31, 2010

31st July, 2010 (Sat)

so far -
2.00ptg: 2kpg roti bakar
2.30ptg: 2mgkuk bubur dan segala bnde yg bley dicmpak msuk

*update -
7.45mlm: 2 pinggan mihun goreng after meeting ngan Ketua Pengarah MARA hehehe

well, honestly dh mati akal nk update blog ni psl ape. idea utk topik2 yg menarik sgt scarce skali, yg byk is depressing je. korg pn mesti dh bosan tiap kali aku tulis bnde xbest je kn?

mmm.. lately btul2 rindu kt life dan geng2 sengal kt Kulim. aku rse cm ngan drang je aku bley jd btul2 sengal dan blur at the same time. nasib jugak the first few frens yg aku kenal (iaitu h'mates) aku tu mmg sekepala. jd mmbr drang, mmbr aku lah jugak. maybe sbb spjg time keje, aku mmg around drang je kn jd topik merepek tu mmg byk. even gossip drang tu pn aku leh relate wlpn aku sekadar mendgr. hasilnyer, name2 org 'hot' kt production mmg aku dh familiar la, muke je xkenai hehehe. skang even ngan purdue gals pn rse cm a bit distant sbb xtau dh nk tulis ape. everybody with their own life.

otak dh stat pk2 blik nnt nk carik keje kt mane. altho susah nk tau end up mane sbb xtau ader rezeki ke x, mmg kpale asyik pk nk blik kulim. 

nape kulim?? bior ah ade yg ckp kulim tu kg xglemer cm kl kn, aku xkisah smer tu. aku tau logik mereka sbb drang dh ader family sdiri. kalo aku dh ade family sdiri pn aku akn carik tpt yg ader good school and good life for the kids. tpi tu bkn life aku, so xkisah la aku dok memane pn. kg pn ok, lg aku suke. stress level rendah. lgpn kalo kt kulim, penang is 20mins away. nk sgt bando kn?

huhu tringat suatu ms nk kuor dinner kt Nurhas. tpi smpai junction jln beso, instead of belok kiri ke pekan, kitorg end up belok kanan ke Sunway Carnival Butterworth g tgk movie. sempat lg pk kt simpang. bagus tul.

no doubt, of coz la tpt yg pling convenient is kt kl, shah alam ke. nk blik kg senang dan nk jmpe dear senang. ipoh pn temsuk list tpi cm very limited je kilang2 elektronik. jb, muor pn same. tpi mcm kes same ngn ipoh. kne explore lg kilang ape ader kt situ. 

tpi i think i will still apply my previous kilang. dpt ke x, kendian pk....

30th July, 2010 (Fri)

arini cm byk je mkn huhu. let see..

11.45pg: lapo giler, mkn bubur smlm smgkuk. tmbah tauhu.
4.30ptg: almost 5hrs later, xtrase nk mkn tpi xde bnde lain nk dibuat. initially nk mkn tempe goreng ngn ns tpi since bubur ader, blasah je mkn tempe goreng + semgkuk bubur + almonds + kicap. sooodapp jek mentekedarah.
5.00ptg: segelas susu bersama 6 10 keping choc chips. bless!
8.30mlm: ms utk roti bakar and butter 3kpg :p

skang 12.20pg sabtu.. ader a hint of urge utk mkn, tpi tgh pk2 nk tdo ke x... dan nk mkn ke x..

*my! my! arini pasni tgk muke kt cermin nmpk dark circles under my eyes yg sgt obviousss! giler ah. lately ari2 tdo 9-10 jam pn leh dpt dark circles ke?? bkn kalo xckup tdo je ke baru ade???

Thursday, July 29, 2010

29th July, 2010 (Thurs)

bajet nk pose, tpi fail sbb tetbe perut rase lapo. pose dh abes ganti, tggal pose nazar je. kire2 de seminggu b4 bulan pose, jd sempat ah nk dpt jadual 5.30ptg dh leh mkn kn. alasan lain, lgpn smlm satu ari mkn skali je around 7pm. for some reason, kdg2 bile dok kt umah mmg nk ngunyah je. tpi kdg2 trus xde nafsu nk mkn lgsg.

since blog ni pn xde citer best yg nk ditulis, pekate kite citer psl mkn. basically food list la. stat ngan arini.

10.00pg: bgn, mandi & sewaktu dgnnyer
11.30pg: xlapo tpi rse nk mkn. merationalkn diri yg lately xde rse nk mkn, jd kali ni ikut je rse nk ngunyah tu.
11.45pg: 1.5 pot nasi + kuah kari sayur + wedges smlm.
4.00ptg: citer2 ngan dear psl sambal cili, trase nk mkn tempe ngan sambal tu. tpi cili lak xde.
8.00mlm: trase nk mkn bubur jagung plak tpi obviously seketul jagung pn tarak.
8.15mlm: pk2, akhirnye msk bubur cmpak2 jek. tringt dear yg demam sarap sup je pg td. sakit tekak ngan xlalu nyer psl.
8.40mlm: 2kpg roti smtara tggu bubur siap. pastu, bubur la pelagik. tpi semangkuk jek.
9.00mlm: keknygan tpi rse nk muntah pn ader. confirm dh telebey mkn.....

skang baru 9.45mlm, msih awal lg.. tgk kang nk mkn ke x lg... => well, xde mkn pe2 dh. got to bed at 12.30am..


kaki: sejuk beku wlpn pkai stokin biase + stokin winter
tgn: sejuk beku jugak. kalo la aku bley menaip bwh slimut. mouse mmg dh tesorok dh.
bdn: sejuk, tpi bley tahan lg ngn tshirt long sleeve + fleece sweater + selimut fleece
kpale: sakit. denyut2 cm nk pecah. sbb terhantuk time sandar td malas bukak payung td kot.. tpi sbb aku pkai tudung kn, jd slagi rmbut xbsah tu kire aci la kn? kn?

well.. i hv not feel like eating for the past few days... satu ari kali mkn, tu pn struggle nk abeskn semangkuk ns. kalo x, waktu2 (snacking) begini satu bar coklat seari or satu pek biskut utk 2 ari. ni dh 3 ari xsentuh bnde2 tu... and walau mkn sket2 je, stil rse nk throw up....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

for some reason, rse xbest..
dr smlm, bnde remeh pn bley trus tukar my mood.
and today, rse cmtu jugak...

rse cm i'm a big -VE CHARGE yg merepel everythg else yg juger -VE CHARGE.
well, xde bnde yg skang ni aku rse +VE CHARGE pn..

tetbe rse cm smer bnde benci kt aku.
xtau nape, tpi mmg rse gtu.
kalo x, npe tiap kali aku nk jmpe smbody, msti de bnde jd yg mnyebabkn aku xleh jmpe.
dan tiap bnde yg aku buat, akan rse xbtul.

skang ni rse cm nk jd sekecil zarah je.
sbb skang ni pn mmg rse kecik dan xbgune,
so bile human size ni rse cm bazir ruang je.
kalo aku jd zarah, xpe ah org xnmpk pn.
sbb mmg fakta, xde org nmpk ble halus.

Monday, July 26, 2010

i've caught a new disease..
matila.. psni duit dlm bank pn xslamat..
duit dlm tgn lg xyah ckp ah...

Sydney Sound of Lights 2010

yesterday went for my volunteering event.. 
wont say that much at the moment, until i got the pics from my fren's camera.. these r from my cell (org miskin, camera pn xde). lgpn, i'm on duty, xbyk sgt gambo..
 that's the event.
tesorok blkg event list kt poster tu is....
 how the Arena looks like..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

ape nk buat..

arini rse amat bosan. arini dlm byk2 ari leh ter-bgn awal plak, pastu xleh tdo balik. bagus x?? skang dh mati kutu.

sebenarnye byk je keje utk dibuat spt project and print dload lecture notes.. ke study.. tpi hakikatnye xde mood utk buat bnde2 akademik skang. this week msih dlm mood bermalasan, next week baru stat smer.

nk kemas bilik? bilik ni kecik sgt, jd 10min je dh setel. umah plak mmg dh sentiasa kemas sbb xde pe2 sgt, standard umah bujang kn. tv lg la bosan. Oz tv ni mmg sucks time w'end. kalo kt mesia dh dpt tgk cinte Hindustan dh time2 ni, bior ah kt tv free pn kn. 

mm.. nk kuor beli groceries pn xleh jugak sbb nmpknye this time elaun msuk lmbt. memula dlu 27hb dier msuk. pastu sejak 3-4 bulan lepas, 23hb. tpi ni skang xde nmpk byg idung lagik walaupn dh msuk w'end 24hb. mmg la unpredictable sungguh. sadis je tgk akaun de kurang dr AUD20, dan duit dlm tgn -ve. ya, negatif sbb dh gune duit bajet utk bayo bil letrik last mth (kt sini bil letrik every quarter).

jd skang ape nk buat???

more of us~

trip to Langkawi in Januari 2010 yg x lengkap. 
cable car tutup nye pasal. nisa sonok ah xyah nek.

love this pic! simple yet colorful : )
Tpt ni smer org pn tau kn..
last time g Langkawi is BEFORE helang kt blkg tu wujud k.
bayangknlah bpe kurun lamenyer tu.
bad, nisa and me~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

mm.. tetbe rse cm ilang mmbr..


tuan doktor (b'tauliah dan tidak), sila beli diagnosis utk simptom2 ini
  • tgn dan kaki asyik sejuk beku. cm baru rendam dlm ais batu. smpai nk gune mouse laptop pn tarik bwh slimut fleece yg lipat 4.
  • bdn rse panas tpi bulu roma tegak je sbb sejuk. (dok dpn heater pn cmtu gak)
  • idung berair je spjg ari
adakah ini disbbkn oleh temperature yg asyik less than 18-degree jek siang ari dan less than 14 tetiap mlm???

tpi kn dh dok dpn heater.. stokin tebal smpai 2 lapis. bj bersweater lg.. kalo laa my heater beso ader... mesti simptom2 ni smer lari jejauh kn?

as the prof said

in MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) class..

we're in application overview in BioMEMS (basically anything biological/medical related app) when the prof said

"u dont need SiC (silicon carbide) to measure ur blood, ure not that hot"

he's referring to measuring the temperature of conditions such as oil rigs etc etc. and the thing is he said is so nonchalantly hehehe.

*SiC is a metal liquid which has a higher boiling range than typical mercury in the thermometer. so it's widely used in applications requiring high endurance (hi-temp) level.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


ceritera no 1:
setelah ntah-bape-ari.. finally dpt biskuttt!!! let see bpe lame 2 pack sekut ni leh tahan..
*update: satu pack sudah licin dlm ms 24 jam.

ceritera no 2:
another good thing, esok xde kelas yeay! prof g piket reramai kot.. xabes2 lg strike ni..

ceritera no 3:
arini sejukkk. ujannn. oleh itu leh tggu my wake-up text je nk bgn sok.

ceritera no 4:
stil cri semangat nk study..

Monday, July 19, 2010


hmm.. td tgk website AirAsia. 
return tic LCCT - Makassar (Feb/March 2011) 
RM113 ONLY!!! Aaaaa nk g!!!!

wakkk! jommm!!!

food overLoad

arini melantak cm xingt dunia... bgn tdo ptg td mkn 3 mangkuk bubur.. pstu abeskn half pack Tim Tum White Choc.. pstu duduk jap, lapo lik rse nk ngunyah.. goreng cekodok sepiring sepinggan MAKAN. silap td. bukan piring ye, pinggan mkn tu huhuhu. dgn kate lain, semer mknn yg disebutkn td telah dihabiskn dlm ms 7 jam.

stil rse nk mkn lg.. nk biskut dh 4 ari xdpt.. smpai tahap rse nk nangis xdpt biskut tu. nk g bli kt stesen mnyak blkg ni, pk duit plak. tggu esok g uni baru singgah hypermarket carik. murah sket nk borong. jgn gelak, btul ni pai rse nk nangis kempunan biskut.

tpi... ni dh rse mual lak nk muntah. ate too much.. so dgn bijaknyer, mengambil satu bar Cadbury Dairy Milk Coconut Rough 200g (1/3 size of A4) utk kunonnyer mghilangkn mual2 tu. tahan 4 weeks je 2 pek Tim Tum dan 2 bar coklat ni dlm peti. 1 pek Tim Tum = 2 ari and 1 bar coklat = 10- 30 min trus licin. oleh itu, no doubt last bar ni akan abis xlame lg haha.

ble la nk dpt mkn my sweet yummy dear....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

masa yg limited

smlm cube tdo xtenang.. tdo yg slalunyer 8-9jam dh jd 6jam je. mcm baru hit the reality yg arini last day Winter Break (== esok dh stat kelas smula). target utk at least a week buat Project x trcapai. seriously kali ni mmg rse xmo buat ape2 je time cuti. 4 weeks of ternak lemak. rse nk tmbh lg cuti, sbb stil xde semangat utk buat ape2...

~5 bln akan dtg ni ialah sem akhir of study. cuak, sbb ader 1 sem je utk baiki ape yg aku dh screw up for the last 3 sem (dgn result cm gigi gergaji kasar tu). wlpn cik abg cube senangkn ati ckp time exam tu memcm jd yg mmbuatkn segalanye xstabil, tpi bile pk.. org2 len smer tau pe ape yg jadik time exam tu? x kn?? yg drang tau result yg hancurr tu jek kn?? hmmm.. ntah la...

rse takut sbb sem ni mmg xde kepastian. xtau cmne kelas, xtau cmne nk abeskn project, xtau cmne org sekeliling, xtau cmne rutin. smer pn xTAU. xsabo nk abes study dan balik, tpi dlm ms yg same xmo balik.. logik ke cmtu?? 

next target ialah utk setel bnde ni n carik keje cecpt. xkisah la org len ckp lepak la sebulan dua dlu. poye2, enjoy, aku xperlu smer tu, ikut ati blik aku nk keje trus so that aku leh lupekn byk bnde. mmg ms yg sgt sesuai utk jd Workaholic.

so kpd sesame yg rse ade keje kosong utk aku, bitau la erk. aku serius ni.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

i miss...

i miss being around them...
Bad Sengal, Nisa Sempoi & Manan Sore Best..
i'm thinking of going back to work in Kulim..
miss my life there..
but being there means being away again from dear..
that i cant be.....
carik keje kt ipoh ah cmtu, tgh2..

Friday, July 16, 2010


my life is getting less interesting, hence the few updates...

actually byk bende nk ckp, but i think a lot of things are better left unsaid...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


result exam dh kuor.. smlm.. 
tpi arini stil xbrani lg nk check..
takut fail sbb time kuor exam hall tu mmg rse hancur sesgt... 

tension ngan org yg sibuk2 tnyer result cmne.. kalo xtnye pn, their remark..

Monday, July 12, 2010


on Saturday, i slept at 5am. woke up at 9.15am. 4 jam = = xckup. i thought xckup tdo, i would fall asleep earlier yesterday, but i didnt. i slept at 4am (tpi letak kpale tas bantal & bau bj bucuk Dear, trus pengsan). and.... woke up at 2pm! so.. 10 hours of sleep. bad news is, i got this pang of headache bile bukak mata... up to now... kpale denyut2 je rse...

which means... i lied, again. xsempat jenjln pn kt Olympic Park tu. smer gara2 lmbt bgn. alarm 1 bunyik--> off.. alarm 2 bunyik--> xdgr lgsg. so even plan nk g QVB pn cancel sbb bgn kol 9.15.. even reached Acer Arena pn ngam2 kol 11. nsib tren n busses xyah tggu lame. basically, the photos above were taken otw dr bus stop ke Arena. musing satu Arena tu carik jln masuk  (kne ikut back door). 

abes meeting, went to Ikea nek bus. cancel plan jln kaki coz 3km is far and i didnt feel like walking. spent 18 bucks in Ikea despite of the 'rambang mata'-ness sbb i had only just enough money. no need to tell what i bought :p

anyway, i really need to get my body clock rite back....

Sunday, July 11, 2010


i was reading at my fren's blog, cik dya, and came across this.. very interesting sbb i think it's 95% accurate for me and Dear.. read on!

  • Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius - mmg serius pn
  • Suka mendidik dan dididik - dididik = yes. mendidik = hmmm...
  • Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik - dlm ati je..
  • Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan - no komen
  • Suka smart, kemas dan teratur - kemas & teratur = yes, smart???
  • Bersifat sensitif, berfikiran mendalam - ya btulll
  • Pandai mengambil hati orang lain - mm yg ni cm x jek.. 
  • Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang - btul lagik~
  • Agak pemalu - kalo ngan org2 xkenal. kalo x....
  • Daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi; mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri - ni cm dh x jek.. emosi menguasai..
  • Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema - ya ni xbtul. sgt2.
  • Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamerkannya - hehe
  • Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak - hoho i like babies only, senang nk layan
  • Suka duduk di rumah - cooreeccttt!!!
  • Setia pada segala-galanya - sgt btul lagik
  • Perlu belajar kemahiran sosial - yg ni.. sbb aku katak bwh tempurung kot..
  • Cukup cemburu yang sangat tinggi - Dear, take note hehehe :p
For Dear: JULAI
  • Sangat seronok didamping - ye ke wak??
  • Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki - kdg2 sgt btul!!
  • Agak pendiam kecuali diransang - same like me
  • Ada harga dan maruah diri - sgt2
  • Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan - aku yg jd marah..
  • Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus - hehehe
  • Sangat menjaga hati orang lain - btul!
  • Sangat peramah - yupp
  • Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya - takutt... kalo2 sakitkn ati dier..
  • Berjiwa sentimental - yupp!
  • Jarang berdendam; mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan - g ni tersgtlah btul, aku pn cmni.. 
  • Tidak suka benda remeh-temeh - but i like huuu~
  • Membimbing cara fizikal dan mental - yaa..
  • Sangat peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang  - 100% btulll..
  • Layanan yang serupa dengan semua orang - mm.. yg ni xsuke sgt..
  • Tinggi daya simpati - sgt2 btul lagik
  • Pemerhatian yang tajam; suka menilai orang lain dgn pemerhatian - yup yup yup 
  • Mudah dan rajin belajar - btul wak? :p
  • Suka muhasabah diri - muaahhh
  • Suka mengenangkan peristiwa atau kawan lama 
  • Suka mendiamkan diri - kalo jd yg ni, smthg is wrong..
  • Suka duduk di rumah - tpi bab keje tu x
  • Lemah dari segi kesihatan perut - yg ni x. kpale ye.
  • Mudah gemuk kawal tak kawal diet - hahaha!
  • Minta disayangi - muaahhh
  • Mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih - lemme know k dear?
  • Terlalu mengambil berat - luv u..
  • Rajin dalam membuat kerja - sgt2, smpai org suke amek kesempatan
Ni dr Dr Fadhilah Kamsah nyer observation... can be found here..
p/s: upah wak hehehe~

Saturday, July 10, 2010

tired of faking and surpressing.....


it's 2.30 am now.. i'm supposed to wake up super early tomorrow coz i have a volunteer meeting for SoL (Sound of Light). well.. the meeting starts at 11am but to get there i will need at least an hour. why? coz i have to board the bus, the train, and the another train to get there.

i hv to board the bus around 8.30am so that i would reach QVB by 9am to get some on-sale oven server from Queen Vic Basement. then the trains from Town Hall to Sydney Olympic Park.walking to Acer Arena should be interesting since i've never been to the Park before. from the map, there are few architectural stuff to see.

after the meeting around 2pm, i'm dropping by to Ikea. it's either by taking 2 buses or walking across the park for like 2.5km. Maybe i should walk to clear my mind.. 

after that, maybe dropping by Hall for TONG'10..

hopefully i'll hv photos tmrw..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

i need him more each day..
mode: melancholic

Friday, July 09, 2010


a week to go before the break ends..
dont hv the motivation..
i want the holiday to be longer.. 
4 weeks are not enough.. 

iko.. mo iko ingek loppo.. uddani..

Thursday, July 08, 2010


my whole body is aching,
my mental state is shaking, 
my emotional state is a wreck.

i need u...
: (

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

puding roti

for the past few days, I've been making the so called "bread pudding". Obviously dgn x ckup bhn like Cinnamon powder, raisins etc etc, i have to make men blasah je gune susu, telur, vanila, gula dan roti. patutnyer kukus, tpi alas besi nk gune dlm periuk plak x jumper, so end up masuk oven je.. semerbak rumah ngan bau dier.. 

skali msk, 2 kpg roti je.. so aci la kire cm dessert.. yg ader garis2 itam tu, buh cocoa powder (lebihan dr Cappucino nyer) halal ah.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

nk buat.. tpi..

mm dh pukul 4.15pg.. whole night td abeskn ms tgk MasterChef, Rescue Special Ops, CSI, Hung dan Burn Notice. pstu bile tgk jam baru kol 12.20mlm, pasang plak DVD Duyung (yg dh tgk 3x dlm ms 3 ari).. smbil rebuskn cili kering utk buat sambal cili tu. abes Duyung baru dkt2 kol 2 je, jd psg plak 100 Days with Mr Arrogant (sdah tgk 2x).. half way dh xde mood dh nk tgk. tgk jam baru 3pg.. kire2 slalu tdo dlm 7-8 jam, jd kalo tdo skang nnt kol 11pg dh bgn. xleh xleh sbb slalu Dear kol 12.30 bru kuor. nnt nk buat ape kalo bgn awal sgt??

jd, ngadap FB smpai tenung screen pn tembus. pstu blog-hopping. tu pn boring.. tpi dpt satu observation dr blog-hopping ni.. org yg lawa2 / hensem2 ni, mmg drang nyer circle of frens tu org yg lawa2 / ensem2 cm drang gak (sbb blog-hopping ni is dr link blog2 drang =  friends' blog ah kirenyer. not my fren, just others than i follow). 

xpe la.. aku rse aku ade frens, but not good frens or great frens.. smlm tgk citer pn tepk, kalo la aku jd org cm dlm citer tu (bf dier kne blasah ngan bapak dier yg abusive yg kndian bunuh diri), aku ader ke kwn yg akan buat bnde yg same kt aku (kwn yg pepagi buta kol 3-4 rush dtg sepital dan dok situ teman wlpn aku suro blik).. sdiri tnyer, sdiri jwb => mstilah xde.. kau sdiri pn tau kau xkn bitau sesape. jgn mgharap.. 

in realiti pn, the only best fren yg aku rse aku ade is my bf. so if dier xde, i'm back to being alone. and like before, smer bnde pn buried inside. smpai ble aku bley tahan? aku pn xtau....

kn aku dh menyimpang.. xsabit lgsg ngan citer blog-hopping td.

anyway, dh 4.45pg. lamenyer aku pk utk entry kali ni.. i guess nk kne tdo kot..

nk mkn, tpi xlalu..
nk tdo, tpi xngantuk..
nk nangis, tpi xleh.....
nk buat, tpi takut...

i wish..

i wish the world we live in.. is only u and me..

i really wish...

Monday, July 05, 2010


my MSN/hotmail went haywire last night when i changed my password. few logins were successful after i changed but then, failed. A lot of attempts caused me to match some characters prior to login but even that didnt worked. When I clicked login, the same page appeared over and over again. I got fed up, and just delete all the cookies and temp files again and reset my passwd thru alternate email. not a reset, just change to the previous one. stupid msn.

Tak sengaja genggamanku terbuka
Lantas ku gapai bintang yang berjuta
Bintang yang kuimpikan menerangi
Takkan kubiarkan berlalu pergi

Andai benar kau menjadi milikku
Mencintaimu menjadi sumpahku
Namun jika hadirmu satu mimpi
Aku rela tidur sepanjang hari

c/o : Kutunggu mentari di hujung siang
Tak kusangka awan hitam menjelang
Sumpahku jadi tak pasti
Nyatalah mimpi, mimpi yang mati

Genggaman tanganku terbuka sepi
Mendambar dirimu satu ilusi
Bintang yang kugapai tak berpanjangan
Hadirmu di dunia hanya pinjaman

Kutunggu mentari di hujung siang
Tak kusangka awan hitam menjelang
Sumpahku jadi tak pasti
Nyatalah mimpi, mimpi yang mati

once upon a time..

i'm reading back my blog.. i wish i hv things to write like when i was working before..

i came across this post on Coffee and Life and i wonder..

 it's not about the coffee. i dont even have a cup, how can i contain my coffee?? the "cup" i have now is barely a shell with emptiness..
note to myself: ingt sentiasa bwk kunci umah kalo nk kuor. coz if ure locked, xde sape leh bukakkn pintu....

Sunday, July 04, 2010


I have decided to stick to my own decision. 

I don't even see the purpose of doing things I am doing now and the purpose of being me anyway. The only reason I'm being is that I'm scared to take That step. 

One way or another, the outcome is the same. I have been long gone. Period.

Saturday, July 03, 2010


it's the 2nd week of my winter break. i still want to laze around, not doing anything in particular. so why must i continue my abandoned-project next week???? arggghhh! i'm planning to do full swing of the project for a whole week and laze around for the last week of the break. why cant semester starts much much much more later than July 19th????

1- get some progress on the project (at least the circuit parameters eg. sizing, values)
2- maintain my weight lol (with this eating-all-day coz of cold going on, it's impossible to loose weight na?)

Friday, July 02, 2010


kiss me..
beneath the milky twilight..
lead me..
out on the moonlit floor..
lift ur open hand..
strike up the band and make the fireflies dance
silver moon's sparkling
so kiss me..