Monday, January 15, 2007

Relationship arouNd Me

Hahaha yeah. This topic again! But this entry is a view from another aspect of relationship. I’ve spent some time on analyzing the relationship of people around me. Not of my family that is. I found that it’s rather ‘complicated’. I’m not sure whether the relationship itself IS complicated or the people involved in the relationship MADE IT complicated.

I’ve known this couple. I wont say their relationship is shaky or whatsoever. But the bf is now off for training for this long period of time. Everything was heaven when they are close, but seems like there is this ‘crack’ in their wall when they’re apart. I guess it’s because they have never been separated. Yet, I couldn’t identify weather it’s the girl or guy’s fault. Looks like both did something wrong. The guy kept repeating this particular BAD event, which the girl has warned him before. And since then, the girl has reluctantly to communicate with him. Be it via phone, SMS or face-to-face. But the girl also did some things wrong (Maybe from my perspective, not hers). It’s NOT a fling, I have to stress. It’s more like ‘passing the time’. Sometimes, she spent some times with her bf’s best friend. Anything fishy going on? I have this question in my mind. Since he’s always hanging out with this girl, will the guy ever have a girlfriend? (who am I to ‘jaga tepi kain org??’)

Then this girl, all her meeting with this guy is hidden from her bf’s knowledge. Either she turned off her phone to avoid the call, or just refused to answer. If the calls are answered, the excuse will be hanging out with the girls.. What’s wrong with telling the bf? He already knows sometimes u hang out with his friends. It’s not a sin IF you tell him.

Another couple I know. Another long distance relationship. They’re lovey-dovey and all. Everything done will be told to each other. The surface, at least. Like the first couple, same scenario happened. The lying.. plus, this girl also have been hanging out with this guy. It’s sort of, ‘melayan’. The guy does know that this girl is in another relationship, but hmm…

I don’t understand. I know when u r married. As a wife, u need to tell ur husband where, with whom and how long ure going. Of course, that is ur duty when ure married. But ure not even officially attached yet (in terms of the religion). If u want to lie, might as well don’t start reporting each and everything u do in ur life, for God sake! I thought trust is the main element here. If you trust each other, u won’t be doing anything suspicious and the ‘white lies’ wont happen. U won’t do anything that u don’t want ur partner to do to u. What u give is what u get. Everybody knows that.

Well.. I am unwillingly dragged into the situation as well. Then again, who am I to say anything?? I’m not even in a single relationship as they are… I guess that is what pro-s do.

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