Tuesday, June 02, 2009

long dayyy...

Today is Tuesday.. I had a long day behind me.. altho I only have my presentation, I actually waited for 2 hours before it's my turn coz my labmates suddenly wanted to alternate our turn so that we wont have the same project consequently. After finishing the presentation, I came back home and started doing my other report..

Now is still Tuesday.. my GSOE9712 assign was submitted yesterday, my DSP lab presentation was finally done, as well as my Photonics lab report.. I now only have my Fiber Optics Project write up due tomorrow.. I've pretty much done almost everything except now i'm stuck at the calculation part... need to ask others tomorrow at class..

I fell so tired that i can barely open my eyes now..


nurbisa said...

amek batang mancis tahan kelopak mata tu...ha ha ha

nurbisa said...

klu bulu mata lentik ...xleh ah...wat ah cmne pn tkleh lelap gak....

smashlee said...

btg mancis? cmner tu?? meh cni buatkn.. lentik bley per, meh cni sy cube test, brani?