Sunday, March 29, 2009

in the Zone, yappari!

the Mood: Studying mode
the Time: 10.35pm
where I'm at: my room
temperature: 20 degrees
what I'm wearing: track pants, bj kelawar + kain batik (sejuk sehh~)
what I'm thinking: slimming down is nice but it's digging a hole in my pocket when i need to get new clothing.. kapert!
what I'm feeling: motivated to study.. thnx to him!
what I'm wondering: has he reached his site yet? is he okay??

with that, back to studying liyana!!


nurbisa said...

m'i llits evila ybab....yduts trams k?........ssim u

smashlee said...

mmh yduts trams ae? in hd uat tabika ydutsx trams.. os enek okut igetarts hd.. eeheh