Thursday, November 23, 2006

empty home

it makes me wonder, everyday i come home around 6pm. if it's too busy, it'll be around 8pm. trying to get the work done. is that a fact? or just an excuse?

it's a fact since for some reason, my motivation will be 99% after lunch. morning, i hv this heavy ass refusing to move. better stay at the cube than going down to lab. coz u know, u hv meeting til 10. then noon, it's lunch time. so what's the point of going thru the hassle of wearing a smog, going to lab, then coming out, wrap the smog and go thru scanning at the security. all in 2 hours?? if i come down after lunch, i wont hv to rush to come out. i could stay and sleep in the lab if i want! and of course, most TDEs will only come to lab after lunch. mornings r full of meetings. LOL!

it's an excuse coz normally if i come home, no one will be there. it's only me and the cat outside (for the past 3 days, there'll be a cat in front of my door grill meowing.sekor-sekor plak tuh. bising giler! kucing sape ntah. nak carik gado ngn aku aaa??). one of my h'mate will be working and the other is not at home. plus, there aint much interesting show in the box. by 10, i'll be in my room watching Bleach <-- the only purpose of my lappy at home now) til i feel sleepy. hehehe. since it's raining season, the bed is inviting and more attractive. ; ) anyways, sometimes i justs prefer to stay in the office so that i can hv internet access! muahahaha

p/s: seems like i'm crazy on Curry Mee. if i could, i want to eat it everyday. is it possible?? cmner laaa nk diet ni.. alalalala

lalamuahahahai'msobored herekui kui kuialala

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