Thursday, November 09, 2006

Stuck in the Office

well.. it's raining outside. original plan was to leave at 5.30pm.. but right when i lock my desk, bburrr!!! here comes the rain. and pitty me, i didnt bring my umbrella along. isk isk isk anyways, to kill my time.. i'll post up some random pics..

Here is taken during the dikir barat performance for our TDE dinner.. ahaha i couldnt remember where all the guest laugh with us!

Picture on the left was taken last Sunday. Me and a bunch of Intelliers went for White Cane Day w' St nicholas Homes (for blinds).

well.. that's all for now. a fren just ask me to redah the rain.. i dont want to be stuck forever here!



leLabu said...

sudah sampai kulim ka?

my blog at

if you still remember me.

smashlee said...

hehe ingt la ke awak. tp sayer taleh acccess pon blog awak tu. dier kate URL not found..