Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here is my final exam schedule..

Friday ( 12/06) - PHTN4661: Optical Circuit and Fibers
Saturday (13/06) - GSOE9712: Engineering Statistics
Friday (19/06) - GSOE9210: Engineering Decisions

but before that, i too have a big exam on 27/05 for Digital Signal Processing..

So basically I'll be free after the 20th but I have to stay around for a week before my transit flight to Malaysia.. what to do.. what to do...

On a side note, there is about a month before the finals commence.. scary yet happy coz the thought of meeting him after all the suffering makes it worth it.

~ Hugs & Kisses


nurbisa said...

lets go to .........!ha ha ha ha

smashlee said...

hehee de org nk ikut ahh wak.. :p