Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time Goes By..

Believe it or not but it's been 2 and a half month of being here, and there is only a month more to go before semester 1, 2009 ends.. my hope is that i'll PASS. i have missed the gate of scoring, so all that i wish for is passing all my classes. yea, passing is enough.gosh! grad school is freaking harder than undergrad!! x tipu~

well, here's what i have until the end of teaching session this semester:

Week 11 (25/5- 31/5) - DSP (digital signal processng) exam, DSP project prep
Week 12 (1/7-7-7) - DSP presentation, Fiber Optics Project Write up due, Statistics Mini Proj due
Week 13-14 - Final!!!

Omg! Banyak nyerr!!!!
Cepat laaa abis.... rindu dh ni...


nurbisa said...

2 july...kna ngadap osh dr. n she personnel..sblom tu leh nagadap anayil...debor+suke..ha ha ha ha

smashlee said...

:p xyah g exam ah wak. wat exam sdiri ndak?