Sunday, August 30, 2009

what's with Incredible Hulk???

I just notice this.. am i obsessed with Incredible Hulk or am i destined with him (xndak tapi) ??? the 2 pics below are from 2 separate places i went years apart..This was taken in Berlin, about a month ago (July 2009)
And this was taken during my Western Roadtrip to Universal Studio, LA in 2005 (with Aya & Bib in the pic)

The fact that both photo has Incredible Hulk and taken in the same time period - WINTER makes it a bit odd.. scary ekk?


anak_ogik said...

hulk tu marah psal suar nk kena tarik ke?

smashlee said...

haaa gambo 1st kitorg tarik suor dier.. gambo 2nd dier cube balas dendam lak... sy leh wat skrip cerite ni.. mantap!